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Re: Sleep training a mischievous 2 year old - please hep me!!

by kewty » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:06 pm

Poor you!

Our daughter about to turn 3, went through a stage of not sleeping well, we tried a sleep trainer clock etc, which worked for a bit, and sticker charts - and boy does she dread the black sticker!! But with our second due in a couple of weeks as well, we moved her (about 3 months ago) into a larger bedroom with a grown-up single bed, proper mattress etc, and she now sleeps like a log. We explained to her that she is a big girl and that we expect her to behave like one. Mummy is tired and needs her sleep, and if she doesn't there will be a very grumpy mummy to deal with.

I know every child is different, but we really found putting her in a bigger bed with a more comfortable mattress really improved her sleep.

I really hope you find the solution soon, and good luck with number 2.


Re: Sleep training a mischievous 2 year old - please hep me!!

by ready2pop » Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:45 pm

If she's still in a cot and can't get out I suspect the solution is simply to ignore her - she'll stop doing it if it doesn't get her any attention. Easier said than done I know.

We used a sleep trainer called Arti from Night Nannies when our daughter just wouldn't sleep (she was a bit younger though) and I can't recommend her highly enough. After 2 nights, she had her sleeping 7 until 7 and she has done ever since. Plus she was kind, friendly and our daughter loved her. Best money I've ever spent. Here are her details

Hope you get it sorted out before number 2 arrives!

Sleep training a mischievous 2 year old - please hep me!!

by amybelle79 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:58 pm

Hi everyone

My little girl is just coming up two and half. She has always been a good sleeper, going off to bed very happily, sleeping through and generally waking at around 6.30

... that is until about a month ago. All of a sudden she is making a huge fuss at bedtime - demanding endless stories, having tantrums when we put her in the cot, shouting for juice/ milk/ dummies, taking her pj's and nappy off and throwing out of the cot... the list of tactics goes on.

Basically she is using every trick i the book to avoid going to sleep and keep getting our attention. Often for hours.

She is also waking up 3-4 times a night and throwing uncontrollable tantrums. And waking at around 5.30 and refusing to go back to sleep, wanting to come in to our bed and demand cartoons

Needless to say this is having a knock on effect on her behaviour during the day - she is grouchy, tearful, clingy and full of tantrums

I'm expecting baby number 2 in the next few weeks and I wonder whether she has become more aware of this and its triggered all this crazy behaviour..... or whether this is simply the 'terrible twos'

Has anyone experienced stuff like this? Any ideas on how to deal with it? Do you know of any professionals who might be able to help me put a stop to this? We are getting pretty desperate

Being 8 months pregnant I'm absolutely knackered and am having a real panic about how I will cope with a new born and this high maintenance behaviour from our little girl
