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Re: waiting list for honeywell and belleville

by whitecloud » Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:05 pm


It worked out that for the moment I have a place at honeywell for my boy in y4 and none for my y5 girl in any school...really worried!!!

Re: waiting list for honeywell and belleville

by LindaS » Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:28 am

I was in the same boat last year, my son was going into year 3. He got a space at Belleville, I would be shocked if you weren't offered a place there as children are always coming and going. I know of at least one child that left his class over the summer. Never heard much from Honeywell but no matter as we love Belleville. Good luck!

waiting list for honeywell and belleville

by whitecloud » Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:35 pm

Hi just wanted some help in understanding these waiting lists.

We've just relocated and applied to both schools, today they told me that at honeywell there is an internal waiting list and we cannot know in which place the kids are until school opens. Instead at Belleville they are currently 1st and this is for the kids going in years 4 and 5 respectively.

Do u think they will have a chance to get in?
