We had a long long thread before Christmas about Ravenstone primary school in Balham. It got so long that Annabel ended up locking it.
As mentioned on that thread, following a "Requires Improvement" rating in an Ofsted done in October, Ravenstone had a new Ofsted inspection in December. The report on that later Ofsted inspection was published on Ofsted's website earlier this week and I think it worth bringing to everyone's attention. Link here:
http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-rep ... ELS/101017
The new report indicates again that one of the major problems was how the governors of Ravenstone were doing (or rather not doing) their job. The new report says that "Governors have radically changed how they work." and that a formal review of governance is scheduled for early January 2014.
Although the new report is generally positive about the overhaul that the school is trying to make, I counted three criticisms in the new report:
- "does not place sufficient emphasis on how teachers will be supported to
improve their learning in lessons"
- "Teachers are helping pupils to respond to their written comments, but this is not being implemented consistently in all classes."
- "this work has been unnecessarily duplicated by the leaders of special
educational needs"
We had a long long thread before Christmas about Ravenstone primary school in Balham. It got so long that Annabel ended up locking it.
As mentioned on that thread, following a "Requires Improvement" rating in an Ofsted done in October, Ravenstone had a new Ofsted inspection in December. The report on that later Ofsted inspection was published on Ofsted's website earlier this week and I think it worth bringing to everyone's attention. Link here:
The new report indicates again that one of the major problems was how the governors of Ravenstone were doing (or rather not doing) their job. The new report says that "Governors have radically changed how they work." and that a formal review of governance is scheduled for early January 2014.
Although the new report is generally positive about the overhaul that the school is trying to make, I counted three criticisms in the new report:
- "does not place sufficient emphasis on how teachers will be supported to
improve their learning in lessons"
- "Teachers are helping pupils to respond to their written comments, but this is not being implemented consistently in all classes."
- "this work has been unnecessarily duplicated by the leaders of special
educational needs"