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Re: Our fantastic French after school nanny Clapham BTC

by bbroxash » Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:07 pm

hello - i would be interested in meeting her. we have 2 daughters (2.5 and 5.5) who attend french schools, we have a nanny but we have no alternative childcare in case of emergencies/babysitting/nanny illnesses so a French available recommended person could be just the ticket!
please ask her to contact me if she wants? or pass me her details via private message?

Our fantastic French after school nanny Clapham BTC

by valade » Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:41 pm

Hi everyone,
Alexane works for us after school and during school term holidays. She would like to work extra hours during the day - before 3pm and can also babysit many evenings.
She is French, super responsible, plays amazingly well with kids, a really good person whom I trust completely. She would be perfect for a family with primary aged kids (or a little older too). Speaks French obviously and English.
Get in touch if you want her details.
