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Re: Wanted: Au pair looking for additional ad hoc work -morn

by Maria91 » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:14 pm


I’m Maria. I’m 23 years old and I come from Spain. I’m studying Translation and Interpreting of Languages at University. I sent yoy a PM with all my details since I am interested in your offer.

Best regards,


Wanted: Au pair looking for additional ad hoc work -mornings

by KJ2012 » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:21 am


I'm looking for an au pair/babysitter to take my 2yr old to nursery in the mornings and possibly pick up in the evening (6-8am mornings, 6-8.30pm evenings). It will usually be 3days per week, but not every week. I live in earlsfield and my son is at sticky fingers so someone local would be great!

