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Braces - New offer ..ONLY £1250 ...£99 Tooth Whitening Offer

by SamanthaMungal » Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:01 pm

Hi There,

Just wanted to let all you Nappy Valley'ers know that we have a BRAND new white braces system at the surgery, based in the UK, so the turnaround time to get your braces on is much quicker.

If you are suitable for this type of brace ( Great if you didn't wear retainers and works best for front teeth problems) , the price is around £1250 .

We are accepting a deposit and then you can pay it off over 6m.

If you want to know if you are suitable for this type of braces, just give Rachel or Susie a ring on 020 8672 7766 and ask for a FREE BRACES CONSULTATION to check your suitability.

Nappy Valley Sp Offer :Mention: £99 Tooth whitening with every braces treatment .
