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Re: Homework and working mum

by zaza107 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:47 am

Sheds, I really like that idea. Thank you!

Re: Homework and working mum

by Sheds » Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:03 am

Hi Morasmum

How about you sit down to do your own studying each evening, or early morning and then see if you child copies you with their own studying? You can be the role model, leading by example of a positive attitude, dedication, consistency, focus and self discipline. You will be there ready to help if asked and fully present with your child at all times …so long as it is always the same adult doing the studying then it can only be a win/win situation for all…..

Re: Homework and working mum

by curly » Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:47 pm

I always did it in the morning, partly because their brains are fresher, but also because it is really rewarding for a parent. It is literally ten minutes. That leaves the afternoons to play and be kids.

Re: Homework and working mum

by zaza107 » Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:05 pm

Yep, it's quite challenging! Our nanny collects our daughter three days a week (from Reception) and does homework with her, but it tends to be reading on those nights and either my husband or I read again with our daughter just after supper, around 6:30, which has worked so far. She does literacy homework at afterschool, which helps a lot. I'm not sure the later time slot will work forever, when the "novelty" of homework wears off. In fact, trying to do math then has been a total failure! I think we'll end up doing some in the mornings. Her teacher is sympathetic if we need another day. I idea what we'll do when there's more of it but I'm not a huge fan of homework at this age anyway, so I'm not going to worry too much yet...

Re: Homework and working mum

by sw11_ » Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:01 am

Our nanny does the homework with our reception age child straight after school, although at this stage the homework is relatively simple. This works really well - for now.

Not sure what we'll do in 10 years time when she needs help with GCSE maths or something!

Re: Homework and working mum

by mrsbfrombalham » Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:22 pm

From a working mum's point of view
- if you have a nanny that can do their homework with them straight after school - that's ideal
- otherwise mornings and weekends are best
- a little and often works best for me (doing 1 hour of homework in one go usually results in tears and frustration)
- create a timetable with your child so they know what days they will do homework and what days they can just play - if you involve them they are more likely to do it without moaning too much
- evenings is generally a no-go as children are too tired
good luck

Homework and working mum

by morasmum » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:48 pm

I am a working mum with a reception age DD; from next week she'll start bringing homework and I am struggling to define how to best approach it.

I am here asking you all mums (stay at home and working mum) what method has worked for you best. Do you do homework right after school (in our case with the nanny), once one of the parents arrive home or in the morning?

I would love to hear your thoughts and advice.

Thank you
