by MPSBatterseaSgt » Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:00 pm
NVN friend and regulars:
This is an introductory email to my new ward, which is Queenstown. Nothing of Queenstown significance for this first email, but two important messages, one from the borough commander and one from the commissioner are contained within it, which can be found by clicking through the hyperlinks.
Dear all,
I just wanted to drop you all an email to introduce myself as the new sergeant for the Queenstown Team in Battersea.
I recently moved over to Queenstown having spent two and a half years at Balham. I've been a sergeant on Wandsworth for eight years, having served most of that time on emergency response team but also having spent a year as the borough commander's staff officer in 2012.
Many of you know that Bruce and Xander are your dedicated ward officers. They are both excellent officers, with differing but complimentary skill sets. Bruce and Xander are both "ring fenced", so they cannot be abstracted to work elsewhere on the borough or in London, other than on New Year's Eve or for the Nottinghill Carnival. Unfortunately, I am afforded no such protection! As such, and also because I am a public order trained sergeant, I can often find myself working on football fixtures as well as elsewhere in London.
I hope to send you an email once a week. This will include an outline of any crimes and crime trends of note, crime prevention advice (usually related to the aforementioned possible crime trends), results of any activity that we've carried out, details of any "meet us" type activity we will be carrying out, as well as more general Wandsworth and London messages and news of any local or Met wide campaigns. In that vein, the latest update from Richard Smith, the Wandsworth Borough Commander, can be found
here. And
here, hot off the press, is a statement from the Commissioner, regarding the last few day’s policing activity in London.
If you've any ideas as to what you would like to see included in these updates, then please do make suggestions.
Kind regards,
NVN friend and regulars:
This is an introductory email to my new ward, which is Queenstown. Nothing of Queenstown significance for this first email, but two important messages, one from the borough commander and one from the commissioner are contained within it, which can be found by clicking through the hyperlinks.
Dear all,
I just wanted to drop you all an email to introduce myself as the new sergeant for the Queenstown Team in Battersea.
I recently moved over to Queenstown having spent two and a half years at Balham. I've been a sergeant on Wandsworth for eight years, having served most of that time on emergency response team but also having spent a year as the borough commander's staff officer in 2012.
Many of you know that Bruce and Xander are your dedicated ward officers. They are both excellent officers, with differing but complimentary skill sets. Bruce and Xander are both "ring fenced", so they cannot be abstracted to work elsewhere on the borough or in London, other than on New Year's Eve or for the Nottinghill Carnival. Unfortunately, I am afforded no such protection! As such, and also because I am a public order trained sergeant, I can often find myself working on football fixtures as well as elsewhere in London.
I hope to send you an email once a week. This will include an outline of any crimes and crime trends of note, crime prevention advice (usually related to the aforementioned possible crime trends), results of any activity that we've carried out, details of any "meet us" type activity we will be carrying out, as well as more general Wandsworth and London messages and news of any local or Met wide campaigns. In that vein, the latest update from Richard Smith, the Wandsworth Borough Commander, can be found [url=]here[/url]. And [url=]here[/url], hot off the press, is a statement from the Commissioner, regarding the last few day’s policing activity in London.
If you've any ideas as to what you would like to see included in these updates, then please do make suggestions.
Kind regards,