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Re: Making a Will

by NicEd » Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:34 am

I'd recommend anthony gold in streatham. In general I think everybody who has a house and or children or is separated/getting divorced should make a will. If you have kids under 18, a will is the best way of ensuring the people you would want to be their guardians are - otherwise social services do start to stick their oar in. If you are separated or getting divorced and don't have a will, if you pass away before the decree nisi, and haven't made a Will, your spouse will inherit your estate, which I'm guessing in most cases is not what is wanted. It's a PITA to get it sorted out if this happens.

Re: Making a Will

by Motherslittlehelper » Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:37 am

Trinity hospice have free Will weeks, once or twice a year using local solicitors. Great way to get a free will and make a donation to them (which is optional)

Not sure when the next one is but here is the link for the last one :- ... ake-a-will

Re: Making a Will

by F&F » Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:08 am

After a failed attempt with a will writing company that visited us at home (we ended up quite confused and overwhelmed by all the other things the representative told us we might want to consider having in place e.g. funeral insurance) we used Amaya Huntley at Hanne & Co. They are based at The Old Candle Factory on York Road and I'd really recommend them. There was no upselling and she gave us the time we needed to think about all kinds of scenarios.

Making a Will

by freshairmum » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:38 pm

I need to make a new will, does anyone have a recommendation of a good local, not too expensive solicitors who could help?
