Search found 31 matches

Tips for indoor activities for a 2year old boy?

Hi mums,

With winter time coming, I was wondering if you have any tips for indoor activities a 2 year old boy can do. I'm thinking about cooking (what kind of things would they be able to make) or crafting? Any other suggestions welcome as well!

Replies: 1
Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:14 pm

Bottlefeeding: max amount for a 3 week old baby?

Hi mums, My baby is currently 3 weeks old and I'm bottlefeeding. The first days he had 7 feeds of 90ml, but I soon found out that that wasn't enough, so the health visitor advised me to increase the amount to 6 feeds of 120ml (every 3 or 4 hours). That went well until two days ago. I have the impres...
Replies: 3
Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:13 pm

Bottlefeeding: max amount for a 3 week old baby?

Hi mums, My baby is currently 3 weeks old and I'm bottlefeeding. The first days he had 7 feeds of 90ml, but I soon found out that that wasn't enough, so the health visitor advised me to increase the amount to 6 feeds of 120ml (every 3 or 4 hours). That went well until two days ago. I have the impres...
Replies: 0
Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:12 pm

Tips: how to let your breastmilk dry up when you bottlefeed

Hi mums (to be), Some time ago, there was a post of a mum-to-be who was a bit afraid of the reaction of midwives on the fact she wanted to bottlefeed and of how to get medication to stop breastmilk production. I gave birth a week ago in St George's and planned to breastfeed (as I did with my first b...
Replies: 0
Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:26 pm

Re: NHS Direct, Paramedics and C&W A&E... a short drama

Didn't know about the NHS Direct service, I'll directly put the phone number in my phone. Thanks for sharing your story and all the best with your boys. x
Forum: Wellbeing
Replies: 8
Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:30 pm

Lost: green/silver scooter in playground Clapham Common?

Hi mums My friend forgot his son's green micro scooter in the playground in Clapham Common (at the end of Alfriston Road/near Battersea Rise) on the 20th of September. Next day, it was gone. If anyone has it, can you please PM me? I know there are hundreds of children around having the same scooter ...
Replies: 0
Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:27 pm

Re: Where can I get some furniture painted?


You could try Quirky Dove Tail in Balham, I know they pait furniture, but don't know if it's expensive or not... They have a website:

Good luck!
Replies: 4
Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:13 pm

Re: Where do you buy your kids school clothes?

Try, it's a Belgian brand but they deliver to the UK. Very classic (and good price / quality) clothes, love it.

Good luck!
Forum: Schools
Replies: 5
Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:10 pm

Re: Toddlers' wedding outfit recommendations

You could try Buissonnière, it's a Belgian brand, rather classic clothes, but they deliver to the UK. Clothes are not expensive and good quality, they have a seperate "ceremony" section on their website:

Good luck!
Replies: 8
Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:34 pm

Re: driving over night with toddler can they lie flat?

Hi, We have a bébéconfort axiss car seat which can be set in a "sleeping" position ( Obviously, the car seat cannot be positioned completely flat, but it prevents your child's head from "falling down" when she sleeps. ...
Forum: Travel
Replies: 1
Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:59 pm

Where to buy low budget (Ikea style) curtains?

Hi mums

I was wondering if you know some place where you can buy low budget curtains that keep the light out (for babyroom). We checked Ikea, but they didn't have the desired colour (navy blue) and length, although the average price was quite okay (30£ for a pair).

Anyone any suggestions?

Replies: 3
Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:19 pm

Recommendation for double Phil&Teds buggy?

Hi mums, we are currently looking for a double Phil&Teds buggy, but apparently there are a lot of different types. Does anyone have experience with the "classic", "explorer", "vibe" or even another type? Is there a big difference in price? All positive and negative ...
Replies: 3
Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:35 am

Which type of double Phil&Teds buggy would you recommend?

I'm currently looking to buy a double Phil&Teds buggy, but there seem to be several types... :? Does anyone have experience with the "classic", "explorer", "vibe" or another type of Phil&Teds? Both positive and negative remarks are more than welcome!

Replies: 0
Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:29 pm

Birth gift list

Does anyone know a store that does birth gift lists?
Replies: 2
Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:36 pm

Re: Printing office for birth announcement cards

FYI, I live in SW11 but have a car..

Replies: 1
Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:22 pm