Just thought I'd add -almost a year on -unbelievably the CQC states on its site that it hasn't investigated the London Medical Laboratory Company yet ?! [ They are based in Pensbury St SW8 ] Its confusing as it seems there's a few testing sites under similar named umbrellas? Today there are googl...
Hi -these are becoming hard to get [for some unexplained reason] even before lockdown . I worry that people swill simply give up recycling if the council are making it so hard to get them? They used to periodically leave a couple of rolls every few months which seemed the sensible option. Anyway it...
So a week on and some more investigation- aside from not knowing if the DIY blood test that is being offered is 100% reliable, I am medically informed that the swab test is near on impossible to administer properly to oneself for a reliable result. Unfortunately the swab has to be taken deep into t...
Thefridge-thats good to know -thank you for your comments -I am guessing they do this via post or through private doctors then and are the middle men who supply the kits and deliver samples and results from labs? Not great to hear that you had to chase them for results as that is exactly what the ...
Thanks for looking this up-it appears they are in the 'history' and have been with the CQC since 2017 but haven't been inspected to date, which is strange ? Thankfully I believe they are now not testing at this particular site anymore. I think they are purporting to trying to help the NHS with som...
I was extremely worried by what I saw this weekend off Nightingale Lane. There was a cheap 'tent' [which was something one would buy at B&Q ] erected in a church carpark next to the bins [?! :shock: ] for several hours offering Covid tests to the public who had prepaid . No proper signage, no ...
Hi all. After Boris's rather confusing 'mixed messages' speech last night :shock: which left the nation a bit divided this morning [again ! :roll: ] - I read this article that someone posted on Nextdoor.com and wanted to share. It is well written and explains how the virus can spread in the workp...
Hi there -the council used to periodically drop off a bundle to households. This seems to have stopped-I don't understand why? We have also asked for them and they seem to take ages to deliver. We have lent them to neighbours and vice versa in the meantime , but I fear that many people will not bot...
I think the machines may have stopped taking coins now, as there were temporary notices to say cards only. If this is the case, I think Waitrose needs to revise the machines-they were fine the way they were. Personally I believe its way too dodgy with this going on for shoppers to be spending time n...
Just to warn everyone -I was in Waitrose carpark this weekend paying for my parking ticket which now has to be done by card :cry: . As I was trying to pay , two guys were watching me which made me nervous. One suddenly intercepted what I was doing by telling me what to press on the machine -I said I...
I want to bring to everyones attention that there is a new planning application to Wandsworth Council [ application no: 2020/0437 ] for 4 new street equipment cabinets outside 149 Nightingale Lane near the bus stop. There are also drawings to illustrate an extension of the existing phone ma...
Try The Upholstery House -I had a sofa covered by Rafa -did a fab job at a reasonable price .He does all sorts -traditional and contemporary reupholstery .