Search found 6 matches

Re: Daddy hater!

We had this same issue although a bit younger than yours. It felt like it went on forever and it genuinely was horrible. I have no idea why it happened, there is little I can offer in resolution other than from experience it eventually stopped. Prob was worst for about 3-6months in total and gradual...
Replies: 9
Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:41 am

Re: Children's entertainer for 2nd birthday party

Personally for 2 year olds I wouldn't get anyone. Save your cash for when they are 3 or even 4! They won't engage for that long. All they want is a load of balloons and some nursery type music that they recognise and perhaps some interesting toys / wrapping paper to rip up. Trying to get them to eng...
Replies: 7
Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:10 am

Re: Chicken Pox Vaccination

Was a definite for us. I vaccinated both. As last poster says, risk is very tiny for serious complications from chicken pox but it happens. The main reason it's not offered here is down to the fact that uptake since MMR scare took so long they decided to not add yet another vaccine in and cause more...
Replies: 5
Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:56 am

Re: Has anyone used the Millpond Sleep Clinic?

Yes we have, we had the most dreadful first 18months with our daughter and they sorted us out in weeks! Don't get me wrong it was stillhard work but we followed their advice to the letter and got great results. We still use their advice now several years on. I wouldn't hesitate to use them again if ...
Replies: 2
Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:45 pm

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I have had it now for 3 years, started after first baby. Good splints at night help a little bit but steroid injections have been great. They last different anount of time person to person but I have had 6-9months relief each time before symptoms come back again. Surgery is the ideal but it's not ve...
Replies: 10
Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:21 pm

Re: Husband's help with newborn

You need to discuss the fact that you are struggling. It all depends on circumstances. For me, 11pm is the middle of the night as we go to bed by 9 as we had 2 terrible sleepers (3hrs broken sleep max a night for 18mths!) my husband is lucky he didn't loose his job. He always wanted to help and he d...
Replies: 23
Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:23 am