We are looking for recommendations for local (clapham/Wandsworth) sports for smaller boys aged 4-5. Which clubs are best for rugby or football or is there any other good ones we should consider?
We've got a long haul flight coming up and were wondering on some ideas for the best iPad apps for a nearly 4 year old. Preferably with a bit of an educational side to it but any of your best recommendations would be great.
Hi, We've finally decided on buying a car and are wondering which models will comfortably fit 3 kids under say 5 (we've only got 2 for now but would like the option to fit another- well I would... My husband may not!!). Ideally we're looking for a smaller style car, not a big 4wd style thing. Will a...
What hours would they use a ‘stay and play’ facility? I've always wondered why the clubs aren't 9 o'clock clubs instead. Most little ones sleep over lunch or else there's little time after school/nursery to take younger siblings. I would use a stay and play 9-11 or else 3.30-5ish. Would dads and car...
Hi, My son is there currently part-time and whilst I'm not over the moon with the place, he seems happy enough. The staff are all very young (like most nurseries though) and at times I have found a couple of them a bit lethargic with the children I.e sitting watching them with a disinterested face. ...
That's great there is some interest- I was beginning to think no one would reply! Thanks for the offer of a coffee morning Grigorjo. How about we book something in for some time after Easter so Bamse can join and perhaps any others who are interested? I can pretty much make any day though my son wil...
Was wondering if anyone had any experience good or bad with Battersea Rise Group practice. Or if you would recommend somewhere else in the area? Am looking for a new GP for our family and new baby.
Hello, I'm moving to a new place between the commons and am due to have my 2nd child in June(there'll a 2 year gap between the two). I was wondering if anyone due around May / June is interested in starting up an informal tea group / mums group? Was really lovely to have my NCT friends throughout my...