Search found 124 matches

Re: How Do You Manage Elderly Parent Care as a Couple?

What other tasks does your wife do? Does she also work? Look after children? Manage the household? I ask because a lot of the work women do is unseen &  under valued, so it may well be that your wife is simply too busy to add "Look after husband's elderly parents" to her already overfl...
Replies: 18
Mon Feb 03, 2025 1:33 pm

Re: Traditional Christmas is causing issues with girlfriend

Rather than leaving this to your girlfriend to rebel against, why aren't you challenging this very outdated, very misogynistic ritual yourself? Quite frankly, if your girlfriend is as against this as you think, this could be a the make-or-break scenario for your relationship. Ignore the "It's t...
Replies: 40
Mon Dec 02, 2024 6:47 am

Re: Close friend's new partner not interested in being around children

So this man isn't interested in his partner's children, either? If not, tbh, this would throw up all sorts of red flags for me. Your friend comes as a package with her children, and if he doesn't like that, he knows where the door is. Have you asked your friend a simple "Are you OK?" and t...
Replies: 10
Mon Apr 24, 2023 9:44 am

Re: Harris Academy Wimbledon: Your views

Just to update, we received a letter yesterday with the outcome of the recent first OFSTED report, and they have been rated Outstanding across the board. The report should be available to read now, or will be soon.
Forum: Schools
Replies: 5
Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:57 am

Re: Harris Academy Wimbledon: Your views

My daughter was amongst the second cohort at HAWI, and I couldn't be happier with our choice. Her progress has been incredible - she left Primary school working below average (no fault of her equally fantastic primary school, she just hadn't had everything "click" yet), and she is now in Y...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 5
Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:03 am

Re: Former Landlord blackmailing us- what to do?

Does your landlord have your deposit in a legally required scheme? If there is a dispute, he is only allowed to hold onto a justifiable amount & the remainder must be returned to you within (I believe) 10 days. If you still believe the withheld amount is unreasonable, you can then ask the deposi...
Replies: 5
Mon May 16, 2022 6:46 am

Re: husband become critical of my weight

I hope your husband is also saying far more helpful things like "You have a lie in this morning, I know how hard you work", "I'll take over with the baby for a few hours so you can have some Me Time", & "Don't worry, I'll cook/get a takeaway tonight"?
Replies: 19
Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:04 am

Re: daughter not invited to party

I had this, too, a few years ago, although it wasn't a new mix, just snobby parents who were bigger bullies than their kids - and apples often don't fall far from trees. Unfortunately, though, there's nothing much you can do - it's their party and they can invite, or exclude, whoever they wish. Rise...
Replies: 16
Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:54 am

Re: Should I speak to parent or school about bullying?

Having been in a similar position a few years ago, I would say definitely let the school deal with it. Sometimes apples don't fall far from trees, and school are far better placed to adjust that kind of behaviour than parents, especially if there are already issues between the parents.
Forum: Schools
Replies: 9
Mon May 24, 2021 6:01 am

Re: Boy 'strangled and punched' on way home from school in Earlsfield

Absolutely awful, and, I think, from the description, this was possibly one of my daughter's old classmates. We, my 12yo daughter and I, have just moved away from the area after being subjected to over 6 months of abuse, harassment, and physical assault from our neighbours, which was just around the...
Forum: Local News
Replies: 10
Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:05 am

Re: Next door vegan neighbours objecting to us barbecuing

I would happily live next to someone who just barbecues! Instead, we have neighbours who smoke cannabis every time we set foot in the garden and light foul smelling incense within seconds of seeing me hanging out my washing, purely to antagonise & be a d*ck. No chance of mediating or reasoning w...
Replies: 37
Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:36 am

Re: Dogs yapping driving me mad.

I got a pup last year, and, yep, he barks sometimes. Not all day, thankfully, because, I would go nuts myself! So, the first question is - Are the pups REALLY barking all day, constantly, or are they barking for short periods throughout the day? If it is the former, the owners are probably going cra...
Replies: 9
Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:21 am


Just had this pop up when I logged in. How did your friend get on, ParentSW11?
Replies: 14
Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:13 am


I can completely empathise. Her story is by no means unique, unfortunately, and a friend is going through something very similar with her ex husband, albeit in Northern Ireland rather than London. Has your friend been in contact with her MP? That is a good place to start, as they can put complaints ...
Replies: 14
Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:22 am

Re: Wimbledon Harris Academy

Hi Emily!
Did you send your child to Harris in the end?
Forum: Schools
Replies: 1
Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:40 pm