Search found 47 matches

SW18 Mum-preneur hits the press with LapBaby!

Did you see all the press our local mum-preneur, Chloe Roberts is getting with her genius invention LapBaby? ****, Huffington Post, DailyMail, Yahoo, and more and she only launched this weekend! She used all local mums for product testing, photo shoots and promo videos! Well done Chloe! http://www.*...
Forum: Chat Here
Replies: 0
Tue May 03, 2016 9:16 pm

Re: Do local faith schools demand money from parents?

Actuallydad, Can you point me to a location where there are faith schools, but no other local schools available, and therefore children are not getting educated or have to commute an inordinate distance? I'm certainly not privvy to all schools in London, but for the most (if not all) part, the faith...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 46
Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:21 pm

Re: Do local faith schools demand money from parents?

And by the way, if these schools tend to get higher results it is certainly not because they are costing the state more or unfair attention is given to them. It is simply because if you have a family that already is committed to lugging their family to church and participating in a community because...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 46
Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:19 pm

Re: Do local faith schools demand money from parents?

There is ABSOLUTELY no requirement. It is requested, that is all. No followup or pressure whatsoever if it is not given. There is ABSOLUTELY no filtering in the admissions process based on donations. Oh! The conspiracy theories! If you wanted your children to go to a faith-based school you would lik...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 46
Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:10 pm

Re: Severe panic attacks - help! Any counsellor recommendati

I had very bad PND with my first of 4, and recurring episodes while pregnant with the second. What I want to add to this conversation is that the more you try to force the anxiety or ruminating thoughts out, the bigger and scarier they can get. I'm so glad you are open and asked can snowb...
Replies: 10
Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:18 am

Re: Moving to Clapham - Big School Question

Just a note to those comments that insinuate the private education is always better - that simply is not the case. True, they teach directly for the tests that provide entry to selective secondary and boarding schools, but you simply cannot make that generalization. In fact, many studies show better...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 28
Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:34 pm

Re: Summer babies- delaying admission to primary school

Of course it all depends on the individual child - not just their readiness, but other ways they may fall on the developmental scale. Just remember, there is vast developmental variance in those early years, and falling at one end of the scale or another is not indicative of eventual ability. If you...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 34
Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Help with teaching kids how to ride a bike?

Just because of circumstance, lack of storage, etc, we didn't get my youngest (of 4) on a bike until age 8. Guess what? It took 10 minutes and she was a pro. Whereas the oldest, who had just turned 4, needed weeks and hours of frustrated guidance, falls, tears, etc. And then she was never much of a ...
Replies: 9
Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:24 pm

Re: Boy's name- James or Rory

Although James is one of my favs and I considered it for my son, I would say it depends if you don't mind him being one of many in his school. And I mean many. James is very common, and he could very well end up with 1 - 3 in his class , let alone school, with the same name. But then you could have ...
Replies: 15
Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:21 pm

Re: Chicken Pox Vaccination

I have 4 kids, and the 3 oldest were vaccinated (we were in the States) while the youngest not. When no.4 was in reception it of course spread through the class. She got it, the others didn't. The most miserable thing I've gone through with any of my kids, even worse than the night that all four of ...
Replies: 5
Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:19 am

Re: BeWaCo

Feeling a little cranky today? This is the land of stupid nicknames. Hello Macca, Madge, R-patz. That is English, babe. Blighty, cuppa, brolly, etc. All English. The naming trend you point to for place names is New York, not American. America is a big place.
Topic: BeWaCo
Replies: 3
Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:22 am

Re: Holy Ghost Nightingale Square

I know a family who got their child into Reception who lived on the Westside of Wandsworth Common. As stated, no catchment, but genuine participation in the Parish is important (or if you are moving into the area, proof of same in old Parish), and then it will depend on the balance of applications a...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 4
Mon May 18, 2015 2:10 pm

Re: Controversial question regarding faith schools

If the Catholic and CofE schools didn't tend to perform at the top of the tables, then this thread would likely not exist. There is always resentment that these schools tend to perform well, so non-faith families want in, and then get pissy that there is a faith criteria. Of course there is a faith ...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 64
Tue May 05, 2015 11:21 am

Re: Help! - American vs English schooling for ages 3-7years

There are major differences in the philosophical underpinnings in education between the two systems, but that is a whole different conversation. Practically, the biggest differences are in the early years (4-8) and again from age 14+. The middle years have little perceptible differences other than t...
Forum: Schools
Replies: 7
Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:15 am

Re: New Mom to area

Hi there! Welcome and good luck! I've been here 6 years with 4 kids. One of the things I miss most is having a paediatrician to take my children to for annual appointments. Maybe this sounds crazy, but it was almost a magical experience for them at home, they loved it...going to a whole office envir...
Replies: 7
Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:30 am