Search found 13 matches

Highchair Help!

My 22 month old is a typical boy - a real life Houdini who gets out of car seats/pram/pushchair/highchair, you name it! Since he was 6 months old we have got through three high chairs - John Lewis East Coast Wooden Folding, Mothercare High Tea and Ikea Antilop. Each has a very different kind of harn...
Replies: 2
Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:42 pm

Re: Loving this sunshine! Bank holiday ideas??

Just a word about Wisley. We took our toddler last weekend and it was a bit of a disaster. It's not very family friendly. By 12 noon, all cafes were full and the couple of highchairs in each had people queuing for them. The signposting isn't great either which is frustrating with small people in tow...
Forum: Chat Here
Replies: 5
Fri May 03, 2013 10:03 pm

Looking for a flat near Clapham South

Just wondered if any NVN users can help a professional couple (without children) who are looking for a flat, details as follows:-

Near Clapham South.
2 bed
Not ground floor
£1,600 per month
From mid June

Many thanks.
Replies: 0
Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:20 pm


My LO had his first MMR at 13 months (he is now 16 months) as part of the routine schedule of jabs. I understand that he is due to have the second one sometime before he starts school. As the measles epidemic in Wales has now spread to England and the media are carrying stories today saying that the...
Topic: MMR
Replies: 1
Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:40 pm

Re: Feel like a single parent!!

We are in exactly the same position with my husband also having to do increasing amounts of international travel. It's a really difficult one. Days on your own are really long and just having that help at bathtime is like gold, not to mention of course the fact that my son utterly adores hearing him...
Forum: Chat Here
Replies: 1
Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:44 pm

Re: Smuggling the white stuff!!

Thank you SO much for this. Got hold of my two "rationed" tins there yesterday!
Replies: 4
Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:31 am

Re: Smuggling the white stuff!!

The panic buying is in full swing! Since last Thursday, I have been trying to get hold of Cow and Gate Toddler Growing Up Milk for 1-2 year olds in powder form. Have been to 15 shops as of this afternoon and no-one has any. Does anyone know of anywhere in the Twickers/Teddington/Richmond/Kew area wh...
Replies: 4
Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:47 pm

Re: Easter Eggs

Just to follow up on this, we dropped them off last week and Shooting Star were very grateful for the Easter Eggs and happy to take any others, should any other families need to off-load some.

Thanks very much for your help in finding them such a good home!
Replies: 6
Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:58 am

Re: Easter Eggs

Perfect! Thanks so much ladies for your help on this one. We will pop down there tomorrow. :D
Replies: 6
Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:02 pm

Easter Eggs

We were super lucky to receive a surfeit of Easter eggs this year from generous family and friends. However we aren't going to be able to get through this much chocolate and I wondered if anyone knew of any groups/charities who could find good homes for around a dozen eggs. I thought of trying the R...
Replies: 6
Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:27 am

Easter Weekend Ideas - Help!

With the pretty grim weather forecast I wondered if any Nappy Valley mummies have any good ideas of family things to do with a very lively 15 month old boy over the weekend! All the usual lovely places, parks, Kew Gardens etc are just too cold.We are all happy to travel (within reason) but a recomme...
Replies: 1
Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:40 pm

Holiday Home

We are looking for a holiday home in either late June/July/Aug (we can be flexible on dates) for a week in preferably Cornwall but would look at Devon and Dorset too. We would need at least five/six bedrooms and ideally would like to be walking distance from a sandy beach. We love the area around th...
Forum: Travel
Replies: 1
Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:36 pm

Formula and Baby Food

I have a fair amount of cartons of formula and jars of baby food which my son has never eaten and has now outgrown. They are all still well within date. Just wondered if anyone knows of a local food bank/charity which might be able to use them? There isn't loads but I feel awful throwing it in the b...
Replies: 1
Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:30 pm