Search found 29 matches

Re: 'borrowed' uncles and aunties..

My mum had the foresight years ago when we were kids not to force us to use the uncle / auntie epithet with anyone, blood relative or not. She thought that when we were all adults it would feel daft to have to call other adults uncle or auntie, so why do it as children (and I think she didn't much f...
Replies: 5
Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:29 pm

Re: Childcare Vouchers

my husband never got round to cancelling his, so we managing to collect quite a stockpile of them. However we are slowly working our way through them by paying for after school clubs and breakfast club. I have a feeling that if you don't use them at all there is nothing you can do, and in fact one t...
Replies: 7
Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:27 am

Re: Mums advice needed

First of all, you're not over-reacting. Life's too short to spend your waking hours with an idiot. But - you've only been there a couple of days. Maybe you should give it a little more time to settle down? He and the rest of the team are only just getting used to you, and you are only just getting b...
Replies: 1
Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:10 pm

Re: Cleaner almost had accident - am I liable?


another one to add to the list of things to feel guilty about for not have sorted!
Replies: 17
Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:10 pm

Re: Pocket money- what is the going rate?

I'm interested in this one too! Mine are 6 1/2 and almost 5. Haven't started on pocket money yet, but the principle of owning their own money has been introduced as my eldest has lost a few teeth and received £1 for each from the tooth fairy. As a result I have started to wonder if I should have sta...
Replies: 7
Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:33 pm

Re: Which three days to work?

Is it easier/harder to arrange a nanny on certain days? On that particular point, one thing to bear in mind is that there are an awful lot of part-time working mums who have Fridays off, so whilst momormum is right that you should think about coinciding days off with friends (and Friday might there...
Replies: 12
Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:42 am

Re: Fracking?

er - Tbrooks, what's that got to do with the thread? We don't mind you advertising your business, and in fact NVN is a great place to find services such as yours, but spamming your ad on the end of an unrelated thread is just the sort of thing that will irritate people and make them go elsewhere on ...
Topic: Fracking?
Replies: 4
Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:09 pm

Re: Children's photographer?

One more recommendation for you - Jonny did a family shoot for us in Richmond park in the summer and the pictures are just gorgeous. We got over 120 superb shots on a CD at the end of it, and are now agonising over which ones to frame as they are all so good! h...
Replies: 18
Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:36 am

laughed until I cried....!

Is anyone else enjoying this blog from a harassed and hilarious mother of two?

Billed as "One mother. One toddler. A baby. And no bloody clue whatsoever" If you haven't seen it yet, check it out! ... g-osmosis/

Replies: 0
Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:57 pm

Re: New shop on Balham high road

Nooooooo! I loved that place :cry: What a shame....
Replies: 30
Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:26 am

Do you want to share our FANTASTIC nanny?!

We are incredibly lucky to have our nanny, our children adore her, and I trust her implicitly. However this September my youngest goes to school, and we will have to reduce our termtime childcare hours. Our nanny needs to stay employed full-time, so we are hoping to find a family to share her with -...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 1
Thu May 30, 2013 8:36 pm

Re: Tragedy of Wandsworth family in boat crash

Another family who lost a son due to an out of control speedboat has posted a petition on I urge you all to sign it. Annabel - please can you feature this in your email round-up?
Replies: 2
Fri May 17, 2013 4:16 pm

Re: How many kids do you invite and how many turn up?

Just had my daughter's 4th birthday party, and because she currently goes to the nursery at her older brother's school, she has a pool of 42 classmates... Since she has not yet formed firm friendships and plays with any or all of them on different days of the week, it was impossible to cut the list ...
Replies: 3
Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:54 pm

Re: Community land to make way for flats?? Help us object!

Please note the the deadline for objections has been extended to 1st Feb!! Please go to the Lambeth site (all details on my original post at the start of this thread) and lodge your opinion! Thank you. In response to some of the points made by mumofthreeangels22: 1) yes there was consultation and op...
Replies: 2
Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:12 pm

Community land to make way for flats?? Help us object!

Please help us object to a developers plans to knock down the old community hall next to Telferscot School in Balham, and build flats!! :o The plans were put in over Christmas (they were obviously hoping to slip them through while we're all busy with our families), and we have UNTIL 10TH JAN to lod...
Replies: 2
Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:17 pm