Hi all Magda currently looks after our 21 month old and I cannot rate her highly enough! She is so pro-active and always thinking of new ways to keep our son entertained. We are moving to Scotland in November but are happy to share her until then. She is punctual, reliable, tidy and totally trust wo...
I have posted before but our situation has now changed as we are now leaving London in November and would love to help our nanny find a great new family!! We are currently in a nanny share with Magda looking after our 19 month old boy and another family's 3 year old girl and 5 year old boy. Their da...
We are still looking for a family in Earlsfield to share our lovely nanny with - ideally for a minimum of 40 hours a week from the beginning of September!
Thank you so much for the advice all - my husband and I both individually logged on to Ticketmaster at 9am this morning and have managed to get 2x centre court tickets for tomorrow!! Totally delighted!
Afternoon! I have taken a day off on Wednesday and am hoping to get ground tickets for Wimbledon (happy to just watch outside courts and enjoy the atmosphere!) Does anyone know what time in the morning I need to queue from to get one? The info I found online all seems to relate to centre court / no ...
I posted on here about pretty much the same thing a couple of weeks ago (post was titled 18mo separation anxiety / sleep regression if you can search for it?) and had a couple of helpful suggestions. I also contacted Kathryn Mewes (http://www.bespokenanny.com/) who called me back but we never actual...
We are currently in a nanny share with Magda looking after our 19 month old boy 4 days a week and we share her with another family for 3 of those days (they have a 3 year old girl and 5 year old boy). Their daughter is starting full time nursery in September therefore will no longer need regular chi...
Thank you all for the advice - after a couple of temper tantrums I figured he was probably trying to see how far he could push us so decided to try and leave him crying for a bit and if that failed, to try Jo Frost instead.....after 21 mins crying he rolled over and went to sleep till 5.30am!!! Nigh...
Thanks all - he was absolutely great at napping with the nanny again today and has just throw a huge temper tantrum as I wouldn't pick him up (he stood screaming in the living room while I was in the kitchen without actually coming through so I think he is trying to exert his 'personality' so a bit ...
Desperately looking for some help! My 18m son has been a good sleeper for the last 9 months (good naps and 12 hours at night) but suddenly over the last 2/3 weeks has been fighting going in to his cot (screaming so hard I am surprised he doesn't make himself sick) and will not settle until we let hi...
Thank you both for the response, will see how far we can get before making a stop but will def try and make one of the places you have mentioned. Husband has had to 'manage my expectations' on how quickly we can get out of London on a bank holiday weekend....!