Thanks Claire. You are so right. He is crawling around quite happily and has stood on it already and figured out to go up and down the stairs, much better than I thought. Main issue is the itching and interrupted sleep. Did you take your son to soft play or anything like that? How did he burn off al...
I would say with absolute confidence, none of them. We have let our flat out in Clapham for years with various agents and managed ourselves and found them to offer very little other than be expensive and obstructive. This year we used, an online service where you pay aprox £100 to advertise...
My 3 year-old boy fractured his leg yesterday, the poor lamb. He has a cast from the knee down. I have just given birth to his baby sister by c-sec and currently Daddy on paternity to lift and carry him but only for another week! I am mildly panicking about a) how I'm going to manage lifting and car...
Oh stop it, the OP intimated no such thing about wanting him to be grateful for all the access and specifically said no ex-bashing. Kids don't leave home at 14 either, honestly!
What a strange question to ask CHT, leaving home as an adult is totally different! My 3 year-old son recently went to stay at his Grandma's for four days in a row for two weeks (4 days with her, 3 with us) whilst we had work done to the house. My hubs and I stayed for various reasons but basically w...
Hi there, a friend of mine is an expert in family law of all kinds, especially separation and has his own practice called Prism Mediation which specialises in mediation avoiding court and all the expenses associated with. I hope he can help you, or at least give you the advice you need. Best of luck...
This mother sounds exactly like the kind of person I would hate to work for. She obviously has unrealistic expectations of the child (making multiple greetings cards at 20 mos? Come on! They don't have that kind of concentration! Even at nursery you get one card and object and thats that) She needs ...
The thing that confuses me is why would you arrange a playdate on a day he is at nursery anyway? Surely you have to pay for that day regardless, I've never just decided to do something else on a nursery day it's £70 in the bin! Ludicrous! Other than illness he's going come rain or shine. Also this k...
I have to say you may be lucky to get a carpenter out to do such a tiny fiddly job, probably better bet is to use a handyman. Skilled carpenters probably aren't going to give you the time of day with a job like that.
I see on the website there is a Ninjatots for 2-4, my son is almost 3 and I think it would be great to find an outlet for some of his typically more male qualities, i.e. bit of excess aggression and the love of rough and tumble in a more structured environment... any of those classes available in Lo...
Haha! I've seen them and think they're a great tongue in cheek gift for adults. So what it's a bit of a naughty pun, not like it's for sale in Toys R Us! Come on people, it's not the 1950s!