Search found 36 matches

Re: Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

My toddler also hits from time to time. I explain to her that I don't hit her, therefore she shouldn't hit others. I also tell her if she hits again we'll go home / I'll put her in her room. I find forcing an apology rarely works at this age.
Replies: 4
Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:57 pm

Re: STOLEN BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your link isn't working unfortunately. There is an option to add a picture instead - just below the free text box and the preview / submit options.
Replies: 4
Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:21 pm

Little Forest Folk - anyone been??

Have any of your kids attended the summer sessions hosted by Little Forest Folk - they charge £20 for a 2 hour session and I'm trying to justify the cost.
Thank you
Forum: Activities
Replies: 1
Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:00 pm

Re: Unschooling

Would something like this not be a better alternative? Its formal schooling,but with the curriculum customised for each child.
Replies: 14
Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:36 pm

Re: nurseries taking babies off-site?

Hi, I think this is standard practice. My LO not only goes to local parks with her nursery but the post office, petting farms, museums, train stations etc. We were required to give blanket permission for all outings when we enrolled her. There are two planned outings per month plus some ad-hoc local...
Forum: Childcare
Replies: 4
Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:27 pm

Re: Baby Weaning

I think it's ideal to wait until 6 months, but not always practical. Every baby is different, where 4-5 months is way to young, 5-6 months is not bad in my opinion. I weaned my baby at 5 months on paediatrician's advice (baby vomited often and paediatrician thought it would help - initially tried co...
Replies: 10
Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:44 pm

Kiddie ballet question

Hi mums, at what age did your little ones start ballet? My daughter is 2 on the dot and a friend suggested I enroll her for ballet in 3 months time. I'm worried she'll be too young! The friend's daughter started at the same age and loved it. interested to hear at what age others started and how it w...
Forum: Activities
Replies: 5
Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:53 pm

Re: Competition to win a photo shoot in SW London

I've been on there too, looks like the newborn competition ended yesterday, but the child and maternity competitions are still open. (just scroll a bit down to see the entry details)
Replies: 6
Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:53 am

Re: Competition to win a photo shoot in SW London

thought I'd mention, Sacha did some gorgeous maternity photos for me as well. I was a bit nervous before hand, but she worked so hard to put me at ease and I honestly couldn't have been happier with the results! I recently saw some STUNNING maternity photos on her facebook page - the mama-to-be was ...
Replies: 6
Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:50 am

Re: Competition to win a photo shoot in SW London

What an amazing competition! I highly recommend Sacha, she's very talented. Sacha has taken some gorgeous photos of my daughter (at various times from baby to toddler).
Replies: 6
Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:01 am

Re: Hello I'm new here quick question

My daughter's clothing also often comes back covered in paint. The home made play doh is the absolute worst to wash out - it cooks in the washing machine and leaves the clothing covered in hard bits! I did eventually give some feedback to our nursery about the clothing - they sent me an essay explai...
Replies: 9
Wed May 14, 2014 10:16 pm

I Quit Sugar - 8 week program - has anyone done this?

hello, Does anyone have the I quit Sugar - 8 week program book (by Sarah Wilson)? I've bought the book and was planning to start the program this weekend, but Amazon have sent me her latest book which doesn't contain the program! They're re-sending me the correct book, but this won't arrive for a fe...
Forum: Wellbeing
Replies: 1
Sat May 10, 2014 12:30 pm

Re: Wimbledon tickets

thank you - I've emailed you
Forum: Activities
Replies: 8
Wed May 07, 2014 9:50 am

Re: Wimbledon tickets

hi there - what dates would this be for?
Forum: Activities
Replies: 8
Wed May 07, 2014 9:18 am

Re: Christening present ideas please

What about a silver charm bracelet? I bought one with three age appropriate charms when my goddaughter was christened. On every birthday and Christmas since, I've added a new charm representing the previous year in her life. I bought the bracelet in a big child size rather than baby size so that it ...
Replies: 8
Wed May 07, 2014 9:14 am