Search found 7 matches

Re: Wandsworth Schools Consultation - Question

Mmh ok it feels like nobody wants to discuss this with me... This thread is in the most viewed ones but people prefer to pontificate on national policies they have no hope of influencing (yes, I am talking about mansion tax :D ) rather than help amend local rules. Shame, it felt that we had the coun...
Replies: 25
Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:20 pm

Re: Wandsworth Schools Consultation - Question

Thank you honeybee for your kind reply, much appreciated. I have indeed taken this to the council, twice. I agree that people tend to move out rather than in and this is what my proposal (as well as the council's) is trying to discourage. I just believe that mine does it more effectively without hur...
Replies: 25
Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:49 pm

Re: Wandsworth Schools Consultation - Question

Hi all, Bumping this up as I have had no reply. I have rarely seen this site being short of an opinion, especially about school distance! My proposal is simple, you move away you lose your sibling priority, you stay put or move to same distance or closer you keep it! So what's wrong with it? Thought...
Replies: 25
Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:39 am

Re: Planes landing at 4:45 am!

Hi, I know the a380s are meant to be less noisy but I can't really tell the difference with the b747s noise wise. Let's hope it's true though (it must be!) and the BA fleet gets replaced by new planes soon! On the expansion the new runway will be further North, with planes approaching over King's ro...
Replies: 11
Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:36 am

Re: Wandsworth Schools Consultation - Question

Just to make sure i am clear, if you "have to" move you only have to move to an area which is determined by where you got in from in the first place. You don't have to move to the new catchment. So if when your first child got in from 500m away and the catchment is now 200m, if you had to ...
Replies: 25
Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:23 pm

Re: Wandsworth Schools Consultation - Question

I think the council's proposition is better than the current situation however 800m is an arbitrary number which may have an effect for some schools but not for others with tiny catchments. I wonder what people think about the following rule: 1. if you stayed in the same address your first child got...
Replies: 25
Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:08 pm

Re: Pauls to Biscuiteers, Fat Face to Flight Centre?

Have to say this flight centre opening is a bit of a mystery... Though hope the shop will look nice, no big red garish signs in keeping with the rest of the road. By the way i think people should stop being so nasty to estate agents here, i am no big fan myself from personal experience but as much a...
Replies: 21
Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:14 pm