Search found 10 matches

How do you risk assess the online world for your kids?

Do your kids have access to the internet? When it comes to setting healthy boundaries for your kids’ screen and online access, are you winging it? Do you know what they are watching on YouTube, TicTok, Netflix? How long is too long on a screen? Have you discussed with your kids about cyber bullying ...
Replies: 0
Mon May 24, 2021 7:49 am

Used syringe with needle on Commons found by child

On Clapham Common today, my 9 year old son ran over to me with this in his hand. He found it discarded on the common nearby the bandstand, as he was running around playing with his younger sister (6) Please be aware and keep a closer eye on your kids, especially toddlers or young ones who might not ...
Replies: 1
Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:59 pm

Re: Recommended Rental Agent for Battersea/Clapham?

If you’re going to be searching for a place before you arrive, you might want to get help from a local property sourcer (a bit like a US realtor). I have lived and rented off Northcote Rd since 2005 and have 3 kids in the local primary and secondary schools, we absolutely love it here as sounds like...
Replies: 12
Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:43 am

Re: My 8 years old has been exposed to ****** by a friend - not sure what else to do

Hello, My child went through a very similar situation last year at age 7 and I’m happy to tell you exactly the official steps we took to ‘resolve’ the situation. If you want to chat, message me and I’ll send you my number. I’m so sorry to hear other people going through similar situations, it was so...
Replies: 9
Mon Mar 11, 2019 1:12 pm

Re: Botox/fillers recommendations?

Dr Eldimarys Curry-Machado (SW11 Medical on Lavender Hill) 07910 451461 I had botox and lip filler, she’s a perfectionist and has very, very high standards. She takes cares in getting the result you want and doesn’t do crazy unnatural look! I suffer with cold sores and she is...
Forum: Wellbeing
Replies: 9
Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:11 am

Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

My husband just read your post and he's really annoyed he says if your mother doesn't see what the problem is, perhaps you should give her a haircut yourself while she sleeps :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Replies: 16
Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:34 am

Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

Ps. Sorry about the typos at the end of my looooooong message, hope it made sense! My dictionary switched language and auto correct started to do its job lol One more thing, you're obviously doing a great job raising strong confident kids as your older daughter stood her ground with her own hair. We...
Replies: 16
Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:54 pm

Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

Ps. Sorry about the typos at the end of my loong message, hope it made sense! My dictionary switched language and auto correct started to do its job lol One more thing, you're obviously doing a great job raising strong confident kids as your older daughter stood her ground with her own hair. Well do...
Replies: 16
Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:54 pm

Re: My mother cut my daughters hair without my permission

Omg. Why do some parents act like this?!?! It's incomprehensible to me, yet my parents have done similar things and much, much worse sadly. It's upsetting to hear other adults going through hurtful moments with their parents :( I'm so so sorry to hear what your mum did. I understand completely your ...
Replies: 16
Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:42 pm