Hi, we used Francesca a while back. She was superb. I have recommended her to many a Mum and have heard all have had great results too. She offers home visits, I think she does workshops too now. Website is ... www.sleepingbunniesbabycoach.com
Hiya, We used The London Cellar Conversion Company. We had quotes from other companies but these guys came recommmeded from some other friends of mine off the common. I popped round and saw their under hallways that had been converted and they were super happy with the results. We called for a quote...
Hiya, seconded! My 6 month old was waking every hour from midnight then up at 5am. It has been a revelation! We chose the home consultation and literally the whole experience changed our lives. My baby is now sleeping through, it took a week for us to achieve which I thought was pretty good going.
Hi Keilly, Don't take too much notice of the negative comments- I've also been enjoying reading your posts and your exactly the kind of motivational person someone needs on their side if they are trying to lose weight. In defence of the diet soft drinks post -I lost 6 stone a while back, and found t...
Hello, I'm a new Mum with a 5 month old baby. I have taken a year out and planned to bf until I go back to work- and gradually decease this to phase out completely by the time I return. My Daughter has always been fine with taking a bottle (before bed and once in the afternoon) however she was recen...