I can highly recommend Emily Preece . Local caterer who can respond to any brief however great or small . Delicious canapés and lovely wait staff - she can organise everything www.emilypreeceandco.co.uk
My daughter did Stagecoach Battersea from age 4-16 and loved every minute . Lots of fun productions and additional opportunities for workshops during the holidays . Micky Hunt , the leader is very approachable for a chat . Hope this helps .
Completely agree with all these comments . A total shambles . We have been locked out for a month , permit application keeps getting rejected for ridiculous silly reasons , deadline for submission of further supporting documents has passed as access impossible . The customer service person ( when I ...
If you like that area you should look at Lower Mill Estate . Great facilities ( indoor / outdoor pools ,spa, tennis etc etc ) We have had a home there for many years and had great pleasure from it . We are sadly about to embark on selling it due to changing circumstances . Take a look at website and...
Does anyone know if 16 year olds can work ( I mean a Saturday job while at school ) . My daughter has tried a few places but they all seem to insist on 18+. Any suggestions of local places who welcome a helping hand - and pay ! We've already done volunteerring.