I don't want to put you off but charity shops are full of wedding dresses going for £25 and some are very beautiful. I do Wardrobe for amateur theatre and we try to sell lovely vintage stuff that fits no-one and no takers...........
One brother-in-law has a Russian wife 30 years younger than himself, who is feeling the strain of her husband getting more and more resentful and bad-tempered about his age. She's a lovely woman. If I was her I'd up and off. Another brother-in-law has a girlfriend 40 years younger than himself, a...
It's a pity that your mother should have scared you like that and spoiled what should be a lovely time of pregnancy. Your body isn't her body and your experience will be unique to you and the midwifery staff know their onions. Take whatever help is offered that works for you - loads of suggestions...
Prepare a spreadsheet showing money coming in, list what it costs to live normally monthly, and what's left over that can be spent on Christmas. I had to do this with my Amazon-addicted overspending husband when he retired as he refused to listen to any other argument. Good luck.
We live near a school where the screaming from the playground is non-stop. They stagger playtimes and use the same space for sport so we have the sports teacher bellowing as well. It’s a big problem now people are working at home. We shall be contacting the council and getting them to monitor the no...
It's fine as long as people without facemasks don't get shirty if being visibly avoided. Even if someone is exempt from wearing one who's to say they don't have covid and are putting other people at risk.
My husband was made redundant two recessions ago. He knew it was coming and it eventually did and he had to tell me. Our daughter was 18 months. You’ve had warning so have a plan if you can. It’s a time to pull together. Good luck.
I spoke to my community nurse daughter about this who said the GPs were ‘naughty’ and had left a lot of people to sort themselves out. The community nurses would visit and give injections but only on referral from the GPS. Not satisfactory.
My daughter has been redeployed to the community nurses though not in your area. I’ll ask her how they deal with people in your situation and how to get added to a list for visits, if that’s possible.
We’re in it and there’s nothing can be done about it. Everyone is affected and there are no exceptions for sensitive souls. They are trying to make a point which too many people are ignoring.
Pity you didn’t think to lockdown with them from the beginning. Which is what a friend of mind has done with her 90 year old parents. They are running her ragged but they are all safe and she is doing the caring and cleaning.
If you don’t pay the fees they won’t have your child back - and why should they? You’re plainly not making an effort to benefit from the online provision. Hope the state schools near you have space.
If you don’t pay the fees they won’t have your child back - and why should they? You’re plainly not making an effort to benefit from the online provision. Hope the state schools near you have space.