I took my daughter to Monica Vinader and it was fantastic. We went to the Covent Garden one, but the Chelsea store is lovelier. I’ve had piercings at Maria Tash too but the earrings are VERY expensive for a teen. There’s more choice of reasonable starter studs at MV. And to note - both places do the...
There’s a woman who drops her kids off at Hornsby House who fits this description. She also leaves the Porsche parked across nearby roads (I’ve seen her blocking the junction of Tantallon and Mayford) when she’s in a hurry.
Just to note, re: the PP, Finton is still plenty academic, and actually does very well in the 11+, but it is a mixed ability school, so not a pushy or hot-house environment. For those who are bright, they are stretched and achieve great 11+ results. Those who need a little extra help, get it. They a...
Hello, We moved from Broomwood to Finton into year 3 and year 4. Given the circumstances (Covid, lockdowns, home schooling etc) in the first year it has gone extraordinarily well. What makes Finton stand out (and is one of the reasons we swapped school) is their prep for secondary school, which is s...
Hi, we have two children at Broomwood Hall - we aren't religious at all, didn't get married in a church, have never been to church. It hasn't bothered us at all. The weekly church services are just like grand assemblies really, with a nice background. The vicar is funny and does little skits with th...
There was a police helicopter, and then an air ambulance, it flew over our house several times with a siren (we assumed because they were trying to clear people on the common so they could land). I never knew air ambulances had sirens! I wondered what had happened too.
I have done the Digital Mums course, so happy to fill you in on how that works and what you could get out of it. I’m also freelance and have worked with a recruitment company before.
Hi, We are looking for an amazing and brilliantly tidy au pair or after school nanny for our two girls 5 and 7. We live in SW12 and can provide a lovely double bedroom and shared bathroom (with children not us). We also have two very friendly cats. Ideally we'd need someone who can drive as schoo...
I can't believe anyone would consider buying Canada Goose - the cruelty that goes into fur production is absolutely horrific - even buying their non-fur options would be supporting a company that has normalised fur wearing for the masses. Think how many of those dreadful fur trims they sell each win...
Hi, does anyone have recommendations for someone who can paint kitchen cabinets (and generally spruce up a kitchen - new handles etc)? And any idea of cost? Thank you