Hello, can anyone recommend a Piano teacher around Wandsworth town who’s available on weekends?
We don’t have a piano so ideally we can go to them for the session. It’s for a 3.5 year old who had some sessions already.
Hello, I am looking for a school consultant for pre-prep and prep that can help us navigate the school system in SW London and potentially in surrey if we move.
Anyone you recommend based on experience and how much do they normally charge for consultation?
Have you tried Wimbledon art studios? They are now selling some pieces on their website and lots of pieces for this price range. You can contact the artists if you wanted to see the pieces before you buy and best thing is you are buying straight from the artists so no commissions for galleries or so...
Hello, we just welcomed our twins boy and girl and are looking for a full time nanny to start in mid August, Monday to Friday. Experience with newborn essential and experience with twins is a plus. If the nanny is available in July we could start from now on a part time basis. Many thanks, Mabelle
Hello, I am expecting my twin babies this June and am looking for a housekeeper and a nanny, even better if one can do both. Experience with Newborn is essential, experience with twins is a plus :) . Please let me know if you have any recommendations. Also not sure if Nannies stay overnight as well ...