Search found 3 matches

Re: Can you give a pup their forever home?

Why on earth go round the world "rescuing" animals from other countries when there are so many that need rescuing in this one.  This! Not to say it could be dangerous (possibility of scam, long flights for pets, vaccinating etc).  Your first stop should be your local shelter, not an ad fr...
Replies: 2
Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:34 am

Re: Basement advice

Hi roadsw123, If you are looking for more of a game room type area then you might consider only semi-finishing it like I did in our basement - it was inexpensive and only took a few weekends to do it myself. 1) Painted the concreted floor with special epoxy paint 2) Put area rugs on the floor. With ...
Replies: 8
Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:02 am

Re: garden

Hi Hildarf,

When we've had some really cold nights, we covered our garden with a bunch of straw (don't use plastic so you plants wouldn't die during the sunny days). Also you should probably put down an inch or two of shredded hardwood mulch after the ground freezes.
Topic: garden
Replies: 1
Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:48 am