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Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

Perhaps these enlisted PTA Mums might allow those who have not experienced the same VIP treatment bestowed upon them to provide a balanced picture. The timetabled Music lessons cannot be described as excellent but there are excellent classes with visiting teachers, that incur an extra cost. There ar...
Replies: 15
Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:52 pm

Re: Southfields mum - Opinions on The Roche School please!

These posters do not disclose exactly why this niche school is so wonderful for them. This school is ideal for families who might struggle with the practices, professionalism, cohort and teaching of a traditional prep. school. An advanced child will do better at any of the local state or private sch...
Replies: 15
Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:51 am