Hi all,
Looking for some advice.
I work in a school and have a 6 1/2 month old daughter. Looking to possibly go back Feb / March next year, most likely full time hours, but termtime only so I only need childcare approx 40 weeks a year I think it is. Its a private school, but I work a few extra days at the start / end of term so it would possibly fall in line with Wandsworth State termtime, does anybody know how possible it is to find childminders who want to work with this arrangement - ie have children at school so only want to work in the termtime?
Looking at both childminder and nannyshare because I have enquired with almost all the nurseries in Wandsworth and apart from Busybees which will do a discount, none are interested.
Thanks for any thoughts - am posting on the nanny board for thoughts there too!