Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

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Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby Americano » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:50 pm


My 2 yr old has regular ear infections and I want to get her ear plugs for swimming. Not sure it'll be much fun convincing a 2 yr old to wear them but can anyone recommend a brand for this age?

Thank you!
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Re: Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby Mummyoftwo » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:31 am

Hi there, my daughter had grommits put in aged 3 years. We use the Ear Bandit headband for swimming: http://www.earbandit.co.uk/ which is absolutely excellent but be warned; we used the putty ear plugs that came with it and on a very hot summer's day last year, they actually melted in her ears.... it was a very panicky few minutes and I managed to scrape it out with my nail (it had gone to a gluey runny mess) and it didn't leak into the ear canal because I hadn't pushed them in far at all. I contacted the manufacturer in the US and sent them back for analysis.... in the end I got some corporate guff about how they sell millions per year blah blah so didn't get any further. I did do some extensive internet research and read about two other cases over the years where the same had happened and the children had had to have an operation to clean the ear.... SO would highly recommend the Ear Bandit to keep the ear plugs in and then just get some normal foam ear plugs which will be secure by the headband. We have done this for over a year in lessons and on holiday and she's never got water in her ears. But do remember they really can't hear when they have them in!!
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Re: Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby supergirl » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:40 am

I second the ear band, my daughter wears one since she was 18 months old when she is swimming and when I wash her hair. It has made a big difference.

If you get ear plugs get the wax ones that will adapt to the shape of their tiny ears but don't force them in they should stay outside and block the canal. Two minuses though: 1. they will fall and 2. it may block some of her hearing so I think just an ear band is better. Also when they jump they shouldn't go more than half a meter under the surface because pressure hurts.

As an aside, my daughter was prone to ear infections and big long cold. We finally found a consultant who agreed with me that she should have the grommets put in and the adenoids removed. Simple procedure and for the last 4 months of weekly swimming, jumping, running around we haven't had a single ear infection and cold. We saw Ben Hartley at the Portland.

Think about it!
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Re: Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby supergirl » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:44 am

Just fully read the previous post. I agree it can happen when it gets very hot but the real wax one are better (i found) that the ones that comes with the ear band. Because wax is a natural product they get soft on a hot summer but have never seen them melt and got runny like describe by the previous poster. How awful and scary it must have been :o

we don't use plugs and ear band anymore only for washing hair. For us the op has cured all the problems. I have a follow up visit next week so will see.
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Re: Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby Mummyoftwo » Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:30 pm

Hi supergirl, great to hear your little one is sorted. We also have been free of ENT problems since the op and while no Mummy wants their child to have a procedure, it has been so worth it - for her speech as well b/c it turned out she had very little hearing and had adapted by lip reading.... over a year on and she is totally in the "normal" range for her speech (she had speech and language therapy), and more importantly, no more painful colds and sore ears. I remember having ear infections when I was a child and it was excruciatingly painful. RE the putty ear plugs - I think it was a freak accident and we're still baffled as to why it happened as we had used them successfully a number of times previously. The only thing I can think was that it was during the heatwave and the swimming bag had been in the car so maybe it overcooked, but then they were fine when we put them in.... but almost liquid when I took the earbandit off - they literally ran down the sides of her neck. It was awful. I would definitely consider natural wax ones as that wouldn't happen, but just happened to have the foam ones in my wash bag from a recent flight and they work well.
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Re: Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby Fernando » Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:37 pm

My daughter was referred to St George's as she gets regular infections. She was advised to keep her ears dry, and St George's made moulded ear plugs to measure. I think I paid about £30/£40 for them, but at least they fitted. You might be able to get the same. Otherwise, the best we found were silicone plugs - they were quite big, but you don't have to use the whole of a plug and the silicone can be easily moulded. Think I got those from Northcote Pharmacy. Good luck!
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Re: Swimming ear plugs for 2yr old - recommendations?

Postby Americano » Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:14 pm

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for all of your advice. I'm so pleased that it has worked out for everyone in the end! Also it sounds as if it is more common than I realised as I was beginning to think my daughter was the only one getting infections so regularly and I was sad to think we may have to stop going in the water for a while. Thanks again x
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