Boob Job?

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Boob Job?

Postby Crazycat » Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:04 pm

Hi. I have never been a Dolly Parton (I reached the heady heights of a B cup when breastfeeding) but since stopping BF my boobs are pretty much non-existent. It is making me feel rather self-conscious and I am wondering whether a boob job is such a ridiculous idea. I would be really keen to hear from anyone who has had one... I am sligthly terrified that it might go wrong, rather worried about the recovery period etc. Also I don't really know how long implants 'last' for - I can't see myself wanting to go under the knife at 70 to replace worn out implants... what happens?? I don't wish to be greedy - a nice B or C cup would be perfect, but right now, I resemble a small child. Thanks
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Annabel (admin)
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby Annabel (admin) » Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:27 pm

We had a similar request here ... ery#p84312

I can see it didn't get any response.

I hope you do this time and I'll mention it in the weekly email to see if we can shed some light.

Thanks for using NVN

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Re: Boob Job?

Postby emsken » Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:29 am

Might sound silly but have you tried a wonder bra? My friend who is pretty flat chested now just discovered them and feels like a new woman!

The problem with boob job is its an unnecessary risk-I would quite like one, but can't bare the thought of dying on the table for vanity reasons now I have children!
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby KelliDoug » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:12 am

Hi Crazycat,

I was in a similar position to you and had breast augmentaion 8 years ago. I was living in California at the time so my experience is based on that. My body was the type that i have hips but no boobs so could never wear dresses. I don't regret my choice, but have to say I didn't consider what happens when I get older. I am currently 46.

My surgery was done in the morning in a small hospital, I went home the same day and you pretty much can't move your arms for a few days. The first two days were painful, but had pain pills to help for the first three days. Make sure you get the implants placed under the chest muscle....very important for a natural look. My doctor went a bit bigger than I wanted to a DD cup, which I asked for a c - D size. So be very clear with your doctor on this.

I have since had a slow leak in one breast and will once again need to have them replaced. I have also had another child since having implants and this time I did not get breast milk and do have a little bit of sagging. My doctor said that they would need replacing every 10 years or so - but I know friends who have had theirs in safely over 20 years.

So even with all the expenses, time and maintenance, I do still love them and don't regret it. Make sure you really research your doctor and that you consider the problems that can occur and the future costs and maintenance involved. Its a very personal choice.

Best wishes.
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:49 am

Sent you a pm
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby KelliDoug » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:03 am

Ah yes, I forgot to mention that my implants are silicone shell and saline filled, therefore mine feel very natural. Because America is not fond of the silicone solid ones, I have saline. My slow leak is due to a fold that formed in the shell and was worn by the muscle going back and forth over it.
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby KelliDoug » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:05 am

As I have to have surgery again, I'd love to know of any surgeons anyone could recommend? If not allowed on list thread, please PM me. Thank you and sorry to hijack this post.
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby cheesesandwich » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:10 am

I'm not too sure how old your child is etc but what I would say is please don't make any hurried decisions - your body (and emotions) go through so many changes in pregnancy and after - that it is a bit of a shock after bf especially when you might look and feel a bit flat (pardon pun!). You might feel differently in a year. Why don't you focus on positive - e.g. getting fit and feeling good - rather than how 'bad' your breasts look. You might feel differently and proud about what your body has done. I always think implants look like implants no matter what. Just my personal take on the matter and obviously no offence intended if it's what you really want. x
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby ellenm » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:11 am

I just wanted to say I had my breasts done about 4 years ago and I couldn't be happier.

It was so much less scary and painful than I thought - infact it was nothing compared to childbirth.

I choose quite small, teardrop shaped ones which suit my small frame. I do lots of research and used an excellent company/surgeon etc who I'd be glad to recommend to you. In fact lots of people have asked me for his details.
The implants are British made Nagor and like the above person said can not leak etc also they will not need to be replaced as far as I know.

I cant believe someone said its not worth risking dying on the operating table - how dramatic!! Yes I was a bit uncomfortable the first night but the next day I was fine and back to normal in a few days time. I did have to wear the support bra for a few weeks but that was no problem at all.

Obviously surgery is not something you should rush into and it is a big decision but all I'm saying is I'm very glad I did it. I too was always quite flat chested then after having my children I had the chest of a small boy so decided to look into it. It doesn't make you a better person its just makes clothes fit better and you feel nicer about your body.

Please do let me know if you want to talk futher
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby Crazycat » Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:41 pm

Thank for all the responses and the PMs. Really kind of you to take the time to share your experiences. It sounds as if everyone who has had it done has no regrets..... I am going to look into it some more. I have been flat chested all my life and have hated it. I agree it' s a bit melodramatic worrying about dying on the operating table but, honestly, I do worry about that - with two small kids - just for vanity! But probably a remote risk and one worth taking. I would love not to have to wear my super padded push up bras and chicken fillets all the time and to feel vaguely femine and attractive in a bikini!
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Re: Boob Job?

Postby Ali » Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:44 pm

It takes 1.5 to 2 years for the breast tissue to grow back to normal size after you stop breastfeeding.

While generally it is a safe procedure it still involves a general anaesthetic and in rare cases when the complications occur these are devastating ( from infection, septicaemia to ugly permanent scars).

It is an "elective" procedure so write down on a piece of paper pro and cons and don't rush. The price will be expensive for good surgeons and it will not be covered by your health insurance.

What is your partner saying? it may not be important at all to him as he married you as you are now. Think it through a bit.
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