I know there's already a lot of 'lively' discussion on NVN around state vs private schooling, but I have a slightly different question that I'd love to hear parents' feedback on.
We're not in the catchment for a good secondary school, so are considering sending our boys private at that stage if we can afford it, but would like to go to a state primary for financial reasons.
I’d been told a lot of people do that, but am now hearing that many people making that switch are spending a fortune on tutors for the CE or similar entrance exam, starting as young as 8, for them to ‘catch up’ with those in private education. It’s starting to make me wonder if you might end up spending nearly as much in the long run anyway, or if these reports are extreme examples??
Also, for parents of kids who have made that transition, do you think the tutoring/exams put undue stress on them, and did they feel at all out of place joining the private system at that stage?
Thanks in advance for any input!