Moving from a state primary to a private secondary

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Moving from a state primary to a private secondary

Postby Sunshine_State » Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:45 pm


I know there's already a lot of 'lively' discussion on NVN around state vs private schooling, but I have a slightly different question that I'd love to hear parents' feedback on.

We're not in the catchment for a good secondary school, so are considering sending our boys private at that stage if we can afford it, but would like to go to a state primary for financial reasons.

I’d been told a lot of people do that, but am now hearing that many people making that switch are spending a fortune on tutors for the CE or similar entrance exam, starting as young as 8, for them to ‘catch up’ with those in private education. It’s starting to make me wonder if you might end up spending nearly as much in the long run anyway, or if these reports are extreme examples??

Also, for parents of kids who have made that transition, do you think the tutoring/exams put undue stress on them, and did they feel at all out of place joining the private system at that stage?

Thanks in advance for any input!
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Re: Moving from a state primary to a private secondary

Postby Larapru » Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:38 pm

I'd be very interested to hear any replies also, as we have recently put our twin boys down for a private school for 2016. This is in case we don't get offered a good state school option or can (I hope) put them through private so they are on track to go to a good private secondary school. I hear private schools around here fill up fast. It might be an idea you look around and perhaps consider registering your children as a back up? The school I have registered my boys at have good links with the private secondary schools and can gear them up to get in, that's what persuaded me.
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Re: Moving from a state primary to a private secondary

Postby Esille » Mon May 27, 2013 1:10 pm

Hello all

Just picking up an old thread as I can tell there are no replies to it yet.

I too am in a similar situation to the two previous posters and would be most grateful if anyone had some views on this, please?

Many thanks
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Re: Moving from a state primary to a private secondary

Postby Notsoyummymummy » Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:20 pm

Hi, my 2 children are going private at primary but every teacher we have asked on various school tours has told me that the entrance exams private schools do at 11 are geared towards pupils coming from state school, whereas the common entrance at 13 is geared towards the private primary boys . I was quite impressed they said this given that they were giving us guided yours of their schools - hope it helps x
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