What to do if I have been discriminated against at work?

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What to do if I have been discriminated against at work?

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:03 pm

Hi everyone
Wondering if anyone has any advice or experience of the following. I am currently on mat leave from work and co-incidentally got a shocking performance review at work. I don't think it's warranted at all and it has affected my bonus etc. I have emailed HR on the matter but does anyone know if I have the right legally to find out how much of a bonus my colleague (who does the same job as me) received?

By the way I'm not the type of woman who just screams "discrimination" at the drop of a hat but I really feel hard done by because I feel that because I've had a baby, they think I won't be able to commit to the long hours (in finance) and am as such being managed out.

Anyone any thoughts? Would love a legal opinion on where I stand re the bonus issue..
Thank you in advance x
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Bellevue Law
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Re: What to do if I have been discriminated against at work?

Postby Bellevue Law » Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:34 pm

I would be happy to speak to you about this if you like.

I'm an ex-City lawyer, and I now have my own practice specialising in litigation and employment law. I would need a bit more information to be able to answer your question, but I would be happy to have a chat with you without charge.

Bear in mind, however, that the legal issue is usually only one part of the picture. It's just as important to decide what your objective is (which might be simply getting a larger bonus, putting a marker down that you won't be treated differently just because you're a mother, negotiating flexible working or even an exit at some point if you feel your position is untenable) and how you can best achieve it.

Anyway, feel free to get in touch if I can help.

All the best,

020 8265 1110
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Re: What to do if I have been discriminated against at work?

Postby firsttimerSW11 » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:58 pm

Thanks for your message, very much appreciated.
I'm having a meeting with them on Tuesday and will see how that goes and be in touch if I don't get the right outcome.
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Re: What to do if I have been discriminated against at work?

Postby upseydaisy » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:09 pm

Hi Firsttimer,

So sorry to hear about the issue your having with your employer. It's dreadful when your still on mat leave!

I also had a very horrendous experience, with my employer after 11 years service. I went back post maternity after a 10 month leave. I cut my mat leave short as I was feeling very vulnerable and insecure as changes were happening in the business. On my return my role had changed to a cover a wider remit, a challenging time to say the least! However I felt it was a positive move, and tried to get on with my job! 6 months later I was given an appraisal which was almost written about somebody else! Bearing in mind I had an exemplary performance record over the 11 years with my employer. The a**hole that I reported into clearly didn't want me in the business anymore, so he started to follow protocol by giving me a bad appraisal. I refused to sign it. Four weeks later I was called into the office presented with a letter informing me my role was at risk of redundancy!

Without boring you with all the detail, I instructed a lawyer whereby we sued them for sexual discrimination, and unfair dismissal! I won!

The conclusion to this - they hated the fact that I was a Senior manager who had to leave at 5.30pm to collect my child, and secondly I was the only Senior manager that happened to be a woman. before having a child I had no issues with my performance, my performance never questioned, or my commitment to the business. I worked my contracted hours yet it wasn't enough. To this day, I am still struggling to get back into work, because I believe I have been blackbulled out of the industry.

The most horrendous experience of my life, but equally I would not have done anything different. Seek out some legal advice - I have herd so many cases whereby women who go back post having a child, is suddenly treated like they do not have the ability to do their job!

Good Luck
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Re: What to do if I have been discriminated against at work?

Postby JoEmpLawyer » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:05 pm

Hi FirsttimerSW11

Another NVN user has just emailed me to mention your post, so I have PMd you. I appreciate you have already had an offer of help (and Florence is absolutely great), so I just wanted to thank the other user for letting me know you had posted. NVN is a very supportive community!

My details are here: http://www.nappyvalleynet.com/mums/view ... er#p103862 should anyone else need a chat. I have acted for a number of NVN users, if you ever require references etc.

All the best,

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