I trained my twins at just over 2 1/2 yrs. We tried a number of different potties and toilet 'covers' and found the bigger Bjorn to be the best potty as it was a higher height and not as slippery on wood floors as the others:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/BabyBj%C3%B6rn- ... jorn+potty I never thought of just toilet training.
That would have been a good idea! Mine go for whatever is closest and seem equally happy to do one or the other (though the toilet is a bit tougher getting up to with their trousers and pants at the ankles).
4 mos on, I still have them in diapers overnight and so would welcome suggestions on how to make them dry at night. Maybe an issue is that they still wear grobags and couldn't get them back on themselves. Do your little ones wake you to go at night or just go by themselves?
Also, what toilet seat do people have? We bought one with a step
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Toilet-Trainer- ... oilet+seat that sits on top of the toilet but it's a little wobbly. Does anyone have those dual seat toilet seats with the little ring like this?
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Family-Polyprop ... oilet+seat