I am looking for lots of advice please!
We are a British family and my husband has been offered a job in Paris, probably for a 1 to 2 year duration. We are just trying to weigh up whether to accept. We have 2 preschool children and would probably return home before my eldest starts in reception.
Just wondering how does living there compare to here? Sorry I know that is a very general question. I only speak very basic French and it is unlikely I would work while we were out there so i am a bit worried about being isolated. Are there similar types of playgroups/baby groups and classes as you find here?
What is the accommodation like and what are good areas to live in? are there some typical expat areas? Where is most like balham!!! i am also keen to look for an English speaking pre school for my 3 year old.
All very exciting but so much to think about so would really appreciate any thoughts