Postby catief » Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:58 am
I can only give pretty much the same response, I'm afraid. I had a planned home birth, was taken in just a few hours before I gave birth for some unexplained bleeding. I was therefore not in the home from home unit. the midwives during labour and birth were awesome and helped me deliver a big baby with no pain relief and no tearing (I say this not to boast, but to show you how supportive they were of all my choices). Once on the post natal ward it was horrible, horrible, horrible. A student midwife sent my husband home, came a wrenched my sleeping baby from my arms and stripped him, poked and prodded him, giving me "familiarisation" of the ward (at 1:30am I couldn't give a sh*t where the breastfeeding room was) and then made me latch him on to feed. When I said that the birth midwives had already okayed me for feeding (they were super helpful and he had latched on well straight after birth) she said "well, from what I can see I wouldn't have said you were doing very well". I could have actually killed her if I hadn't felt so humiliated and exhausted. The following day I phoned my husband and asked him to come and get me out as soon as possible. At about 11am I asked a midwife whether the baby should be feeding more she asked when he had last fed and I said about 7am. she said, in a really patronising, sneering way "I'm sure he'll be fine" and left. As we all know, when you are a brand new mum you haven't a scooby what they should be doing and I felt embarrassed and upset. Anyway, I checked myself out asap. Sorry to be not very helpful and this was 2.5 years ago, so maybe things are on the up!! Good luck.