Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

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Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby cookie22 » Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:03 pm


I've posted already in the Hospital section, but haven't had any response, so thought I'd try here too....

Does anyone have experience of using the private midwife led care at C&W... I'd like the security of having my own midwife throughout, and was considering hiring an independent midwife, however C&W offer it, and it includes the whole private hospital experience - your own room, and bed for husband to stay over etc... its more expensive, but for a few thousand extra, I'm now considering this instead. It would be great to get any feedback from anyone who's used the C&W midwife led care?


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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby pippi2009 » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:18 pm

Neighbourhood Midwives are very good and local.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby emsken » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:37 pm

Can't speak for c and w but midwife led at the Portland was amazing for the whole pregnancy though to delivery and after care...
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby Franklens » Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:50 pm

No experience of private care at C&W but I have recently had my second baby in the birthing unit and wanted to let people know how brilliant it was. It only opened about a month ago and it was absolutely amazing, I don't think you would haver got a nicer room if you had gone private! I had a very swift labour and baby arrived at 6.30pm, in the water, about 10 minutes after I arrived but the whole experience was amazing. The midwives were fab, I was offered a doula, had my own en-suite and after the birth a double bed was pulled out of the wall and made up for me and hubby stay the night, my brother was allowed to visit at 9.30pm bringing us a pizza express and we didn't leave until 9am the next morning after a very comfortable night. My husband could not believe the service we had received on the NHS and I would highly recommend it to all other mums who are "low risk". Another great thing is that labour ward and the Dr's are just on the opposite side of the corridor so if things do become complicated you have their support in seconds. I realise we were very lucky, the previous night the unit was shut due to labour ward being so busy they had to take the birth unit midwives onto labour ward but if you do manage to get a room, they have 7 currently, I hope that you have as good an experience as us. I am not sure whether you could bring your own midwife in but might be worth asking.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby Sparkle1327 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:42 am

I had my first baby in the Kensington wing at Chelsea Westminster midwife led care. I found the whole experience excellent and i was in hospital throughout Christmas 2011.
During my 2 day stay I Did actually experience the NHSside too which was also excellent.
I am booked in again for July when I'm expecting my second child. I have a consultant this time as I had a few complications last time.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby Mummy10 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:36 am


I had my 2 year old with the midwife led C&W and thought they were excellent! All the midwifes were very kind and super supportive during the delivery. I have also had one of my children with the midwife led care and the Portland hospital, who were easily on a par. The only thing that I feel seperates them is the price. The Chelsea and Westminster offer the same service(apart from the food being better) for much better value. I think the difference is around £3000. I would not hesitate to use either of the again.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby midwifeannie » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:06 pm

Hi there,

Why don't you contact Neighbourhood Midwives if you would like the security of a midwife who you can get to know and trust throughout your pregnancy, with visits at home at a time to suit you.
Your midwife will support and assess you at home when in labour so you know the right time to go into hospital which she will then organise and will accompany you and your partner as your birth partner and advocate. She will then see you for 6 weeks postnatal care,offering consistent advice and support, is on call 24/7 throughout and the service is considerably cheaper than the private hospital route(which doesn't guarantee you continuity). You can ring 020 8874 6624 and have a free consultation with no obligation to find out if this is something you might be interested in.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby biscuitbrown » Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:10 pm

Hi, I have done both private midwife led birth (first baby) & consultant led (second baby) at the Kensington Wing. I would emphatically not recommend the midwife led service as I had an extremely traumatic & mismanaged birth first time round which ended up with me being transferred back over to the nhs emergency team and having a terrifying emergency c-section as the midwives had failed to recognise my baby was in such a position that I would never have been able to give birth naturally. I was forced to go through 24 hours of agonising labour unnecessarily (I know it's always painful but try back to back & forehead presentation!) & was left with PTSD after a truly horrendous experience.

Consultant-led however is an entirely different kettle of fish. Because of my previous experience Nick Wales took special care to make sure I had the calmest most wonderful birth second time round. I appreciate it is unbelievably expensive, so if budget doesn't stretch to that I personally think you'd be safer going NHS and finding a very experienced Doula to be there with you as an advocate (it is often difficult to speak/reason with midwives/obstetricians when in full blown labour). There is a woman called Melody something who used to be a midwife & I've heard exceptionally good things about.

Sorry to be negative, but I think with midwife led private is not always best. In fact in my experience far inferior to nhs care.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby cookie22 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:39 pm

Thanks so much everyone for all your input - it's very useful. Biscuitbrown - it was particularly helpful to hear about your experience. I must admit I did have some recent doubts over the midwife led care at C&W, but to hear of your experience, is valuable... I'm now veering towards the NHS end of C&W which I've heard lots of good things about. Unfortunately the consultant led care in Kensington Wing is a lot more than I could justify spending, otherwise I would definitely go with that, as I've heard lots of good things about it.

Thanks again everyone.

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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby biscuitbrown » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:32 pm

I actually did most of my 2nd baby antenatal on NHS at C&W (only made decision to go with private consultant last minute because of first birth awfulness) and they have definitely put a huge amount of effort & money into bringing midwifery there up to a much higher standard. Honestly think that's your best bet - and also think a doula is worth considering. And if there's an emergency (hopefully there won't be) then you are in the safest hands on the NHS side. Kensington wing midwives not equipped to cope with anything other than straightforward easy natural birth in my opinion. Good luck!! Xx
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby shellgemini » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:50 pm

I would also agree with excellent care for both my deliveries via NHS at ChelWest. Would also comment that the after care is amazing! I had a few issues after first birth and they don't stop seeing you till you're back to 100%. There is also one of the Chelsea midwives doing additional private classes and advice called Motherally, she is amazing, you might want to spend your money on that. I did her antenatal classes first time round and then called on her services for breastfeeding advice again with my second. There's nothing she doesn't know and she makes you feel so comfortable throughout, her website is and she's based in Putney. Hope that's of some help and good luck with it all :)
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby SamJo » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:29 pm

I had my own midwife on NHS then stayed on the private suites postnatal. Highly recommended.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby Mummy10 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:41 am

I have had 4 children and every birth has been completely different, some more difficult than others.

When you go midwife led at the Chelsea and westmister you are not left alone with the midwives to deal with any and all situations. If there is any problem what so ever a consultant from the nhs side is called to to assess the situation. In some ways it is the best of both worlds.

I have heard of many nightmare birth stories from consultant led, to nhs to midwife. I would not say that having consultant led care is the best bet, in fact out of all of my child births it was the worst one. Don't be swayed by one persons experience.

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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby BabyB » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:52 am

I had both of my 2 kids at the Kensington wing. I used Dr. Keith Duncan who is an excellent Obstetrician. I had 2 difficult births and the midwives there were great and I particularly remember one called "Renee" who was a saint! If she is still there, look her up and see if she does wid-wife led care.
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Re: Chelsea & Westminster - Private midwife led care?

Postby Bluebird27 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:15 pm

Really interesting to hear biscuitbrown's experience, as it sounds almost identical to what my friend from my NCT group went through with the private midwife led care at Chelsea and Westminster. She also had a very traumatizing experience there, as they didn't realize until she was pushing that the baby was breach and had to rush her in for an emergency C section. Didn't help the fact that the midwife she was assigned that night was absolutely horrible and made her experience that much worse. She certainly didn't feel like it was worth the extra expense.
I also gave birth and Chelsea and Westminster though I went the regular route and equally had a pretty bad experience. My midwife could not have been more horrible. She would snap at me when I would moan in pain and would get annoyed when I would ask questions. Absolutely no bedside manner.
Then to make matters worse, they left me unattended in my room all day after the birth (my mom and husband went home to sleep), not once checking in on me. I just slept there with the baby sleeping on top of me, as they didnt even bring me a cot to put her in. The sheets and floor were still bloody and no one even came into offer me anything to eat. I remember waddling down the halls with my newborn in my arms looking for a vending machine so that I could eat something because I didn't even know they served food. No one even stopped and asked me if I wanted help. Just horrible. I felt incredibly uncared for at a time when I felt the most vulnerable and fragile. Not a nice feeling!
I have heard that some people have had amazing experiences there, but at the end of the day its all the luck of the draw as far as how busy they are and which midwife you get assigned.
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