Postby skeraf » Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:22 pm
I sympathise with your dilemma! I have been in a similar position to yours in a previous year.
When I submitted my child's application, I put HG as the first choice (like you, we are weekly attendees at Mass at HG) and then St Anselm's as the second choice.
When doing this, I realised that the chances of being offered a place at St Anselm's were very slim - not only did we realistically live too far away, but also my child's application would be prioritised lower than those of children who attended Mass at St Anselm's weekly (even if, in theory, they lived further away from St Anselm's than us). However, we applied because we knew that we were unlikely to be offered a place at any non-denominational state primary nearby on geographical grounds (they too are oversubscribed). We had nothing to lose - but your position may be very different depending on where you live.
So, what's my advice? Depending on where you live, I'd put HG as your first choice and include one other RC school (whichever's the closest) as your second. If you want a state primary, then use your other choices for the non-denom/CE schools that you are most likely to get an offer from. And if a Catholic education is really important to you and the fees are not prohibitive, don't forget Oliver House.
The last thing I would say is not to give up hope. Even if you don't get an offer of a place at HG in the initial wave of offers, the waiting list can move very rapidly and places can become available unexpectedly - both prior to the start of the Reception year and before the start of Y1. Many families have happily moved their children to HG from another school when places have come available, even after the Reception year, and have been delighted with the speed at which their children have settled in.
Good luck!!