Postby Langstoniamum » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:59 pm
Totally agree with Widger. My 2 sons have a 30 month gap exactly so my eldest was 2.5 yrs exactly when youngest was born. Not the best time to have another one come on board as boys get so full on when they're 2/3 yrs old. I was really scared out of my mind that I wouldn't cope, even more so that we've now moved out of London and have no family nearby. Eldest goes to nursery 3 mornings a week but he's been happy doing so from 2 yrs old.
Well, 3 months on and it's not that bad. As Widger said, the youngest basically follows eldest's routine. I was so ROUTINE with my first one. This one, forget it. He sleeps in the car on the way to and from the nursery. Sometimes has a lunchtime nap, sometimes not. But it's ok, he's been doing good up to now. Does help that he's been very easy going but then a lot of people say it's also because I'm not as stressed about it all as first time around. All in all, I'd say do plan to get some childcare for first one as even if they're at home with you, they'll want loads of attention. My eldest is still pretty jealous of 2nd one, even though he usually gets most of my attention. And just remember, soon enough they'll play together and it should get better (or so I am told!).