Independent School Options/Recommendations?

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Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby jgh78 » Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:49 pm


I live in Earlsfield, south of the station about 450m from EP. And have successfully managed to not get into any of my 5 choices. I have in fact been offered a place at new Jewish (not my religion BTW) School in south Putney, about 3 miles away. Brilliant, thanks Wandsworth Council.

The school may be great (hard to tell, its only a year old) but i am reluctant for my son to go to a faith school of a faith that is not my own, so starting to think what private options exist in the area.

Wandsworth Prep seems like an option, and also Dolphin in Clapham. Are there any parents out there that attend these schools and can give feedback on them?

Any any other advice thoughts appreciated - still in shock!

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Re: Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby Goldhawk » Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:51 pm

Bertram House and the White House may be worth a look
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Re: Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby papinian » Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:19 pm

jgh78: My sympathies on the situation you find yourself in. You are a victim of the Government's free schools policy. I'm all for free schools - but they should be ones that people actually want to send their children to. So it's more the Government than Wandsworth Council that you should blame.

I think you need to think about what you want out of private school, which in turn depends on how likely you are to pick up a place in a year or two in Earlsfield Primary or another local state primary proximate to you. A pre-prep like Bertrum House will cover you for a few years and, knowing Bertrum House, I can recommend it. Finton House on Trinity Road is similar, and nearer you, and more but I don't think that you will have any chance of a place there at this stage. However, you will then have to decide where your child goes at 8. At that age most of the independent places are single sex.
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Re: Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby NYE31 » Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:14 am

The Roche & Hurlingham Prep schools worth looking at as well.
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Re: Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby darlingmummy » Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:00 pm


we are at Wandsworth Prep and couldn't be happier.
the school is small and this is what we like about it.
the teachers are fantastic, they have lots of resources and I-pad 1 to 1 for all children.
message me privately if you need more info.
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Re: Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby BertrumHouse » Sat May 10, 2014 11:41 am

hi jgh78,

I'm the Head of Early Years at Bertrum House School. It's really lovely to read posters recommending us on here! I just wanted to sympathise with your situation, it's certainly something that we hear a lot of.

We would really love to show you around our Pre-Prep department if you're still looking for different options. We are a really friendly, 'village' style school which offers small classes, a teacher and assistant in every class and a vibrant community spirit. We are very proud to offer a traditional infant style education where our staff understand young children and are experts at preparing them for future schools. We work closely with parents and are very pleased to say that this year all of our Class 2s got a place at one of their preferred schools.

Our Class 2 children move onto a range of local state and independent schools and it would certainly be something we could help you with in the future.

If you would like to speak to our Principal, Kirstie Pirrie, or arrange a show round, please contact the school secretaries on 020 8767 4051 or email

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Re: Independent School Options/Recommendations?

Postby SFMC » Sat May 10, 2014 1:08 pm

Did you see the 'Calling Earlsfield frustrated parents'' thread on here? Perhaps Wandsworth Council are looking for a solution.
In the meantime did you try Smallwood? I know a lot of children who did not get into Earlsfield are instead going there.
Seems like children entering Reception this year are building a good community of moms already! Might be worth looking into!

Sorry I know this thread was about Independent options but wanted to mention Smallwood.
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