Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

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Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby seekingadvice » Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:25 pm

Hi everyone,

I am not posting under my usual username as this is a personal post, but I would really value advice from anyone who's been in this situation.

A pregnancy scan at 7 weeks showed poor growth and a very slow/intermittent heartbeat, and I have been told that miscarriage is inevitable. My question is, once the heartbeat has ceased, am I better off waiting for it to happen naturally or should I opt for a D&C? Of course, natural is preferable in many respects, but I have heard/read a lot about how painful and traumatic it can be (ditto using mifepristone to bring it on), not to mention the fact that I could be waiting weeks for it to happen and it might happen while I'm at work/looking after my toddler on my own. A D&C would be simplest, but comes with risks of complications, admittedly low ones, is much more invasive and crashes your hormones more abruptly.

Has anyone been in or known someone in this situation, and what would you advise? Many thanks for sharing this information.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby workingmum62 » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:05 pm

Firstly, sorry for your lose, it's a horrible thing to have to go through. I would definitely recommend having an ERPC. I was told at an early scan that a heart beat hadn't developed and I would miscarry in time. Went to see my GP who advised to wait an let it happen naturally. However, a very close friend had just had a horrific miscarriage, about the same time for the same reason and with two kids at home and doing job interviews I just couldn't face it. Had an ERPC done privately, in and out in the same day. Felt sore for a couple of days but back to normal pretty quickly. The consultant said that it was a good job they had done it as there was a lot of "material" to take out and I would have bleed quite a lot if it had happened naturally. Obviously going under general isn't great but I think that in this day and age it is fine. I just couldn't take sitting around not knowing when it would happen. I saw a consultant called Graham Barker who I would definitely recommend.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby Bluebutterfly » Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:16 pm

I really feel for you, it is a horrible situation to be in. It is a very personal decision. I decided to go for an ERPC when they found no heartbeat at 10 weeks. I felt completely wiped out that evening, and for a day or two, but also got back to normal v quickly. I went on to conceive a full term pregnancy 3 months later. I had the ERPC done on the NHS at St George's and they were fantastic. All the best.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby supermummy » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:58 pm

I'd say go for ERPC,for me the alternative of just waiting and not knowing how long it might take was not very appealing. In fact, I was very unlucky and had complications (but I was 14 weeks) but would still recommend it. The upside is I think it's easier to recover emotionally post ERPC as your hormones settle down more quickly.

I went nhs but would recommend going privately if you have that option. The wait in a busy room full of people with other minor surgical procedures wasn't great, you'll want some tlc before and after. All the best.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby supermummy » Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:00 pm

Ps. Meant to say mine was st Thomas's.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby Martina1 » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:06 pm

Oh, you poor thing.

I had an ERPC (have I got the initials right??) after my first one, but did natural on second and third.

I was so truly gutted about the whole thing the first time that I don't really remember much about it apart from feeling glad that it was over quickly.

One of the natural ones happened very very quickly and was very painful but, as I say, over quickly; the other much slower and more like a very heavy period.

It might sound odd, but the thing that I do really remember about the natural ones was being very annoyed that this 'thing' was wasting my valuable time. I just wanted to crack on and try again as I felt that time was against me.

Anyway, to cut my ramblings short, not sure which is best really. If I had to do it now (with toddler and baby), I would probably get it over and done with via ERPC. If you do it naturally, I think that there is a small chance that you might need ERPC later if not everything comes out. (Do check that though, I am never entirely factually correct)

Good luck
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby Pop » Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:24 pm

Poor you. It's such a horrid thing to happen. Like others I chose ERPC. I couldn't face the wait, wanted it over ASAP (so I could recover and get pregnant again), and didn't think I'd cope well with the bleeding/pain.

I had it done on the NHS at St George's. All the nurses and doctors were so kind, and very understanding that I kept bursting into tears. I was given lots of tea, toast and hand holding and my husband was brought into the post op area to comfort me. I felt it went as well as these things can.

Best of luck.

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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby shantimom » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:04 pm

I would go for a ERPC - had a miscarriage at 10 weeks, bleeding so heavily that I passed out, was then taken to hospital in an ambulance. Had to have a blodtransfusion as my BP was barely there. This wasn't helped that I was taking aspirin at the time for medical reasons. All of that and two weeks on I was still showing positive on pregnancy test. Waited for many more weeks until doctor said the risk of infection was too big. Second miscarriage in the same year I did the ERPC straight away. Third time lucky and I had a live birth. I feel for you and wish you the best of luck.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby MamaH » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:09 pm

I had an ERPC when I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. Since the foetus had stopped growing at around 10 weeks, with no sign of a natural miscarriage occurring, I really did not feel comfortable with waiting around indefinitely for nature to take its course. I had mine on the NHS at Chelsea and Westeminster. They have a early pregnancy unit which is entirely separate from the ante natal section - you don't have any contact with happy bumps whatsoever. Most of the other women on the ward were in for pregnancy complications or operations of the nature of cist removal and such.

I dont regrat my decision, but I did find that a few days after the procedure I had some awful cramping as my uterus finally caught up with things. That was not pleasant. But then what is in this situation?

I am very sorry for your loss.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby seekingadvice » Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:09 am

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, everyone - it's much appreciated and has given me lots of useful things to think about. I'm sorry that you had to go through this tough business too. Encouraging, however, to hear that many of you went on to have successful pregnancies. Thanks again.
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Re: Awaiting Miscarriage - How Best to Proceed?

Postby NYE31 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:26 pm

So very sorry to hear your news, I've had 3 ERPCS, 2 at the C & W and a 3rd at Parkside Private Hospital.

I had a gorgeous little boy between miscarriages 2 & 3, who will be 3 in July.

I felt physically OK after all 3 but emotionally it took a very long time to feel better, esp after my 3rd.

Look after yourself & PM me if you would like to chat more

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