Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Developer

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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Jag » Fri May 02, 2014 1:47 pm

Plain and simply put-this is a crime. How can the tennis club and developer ever expect to have a happy and thriving nursery in place of the Scout Hut and Playgroup? No one within Wandsworth will want to send their children there.
The developer is nothing short of heartless and the tennis club are removing a haven and stepping stone for local children., who come religiously every week to interact and learn through Lisa/Liza and the wonderful outdoor and tranquil space.
We personally would not have managed without the efforts of this amazing community space had it not been for Liza and Lisa who helped my family during a very critical time; my youngest was lying in hospital fighting for his life and my eldest needed a stable, nurturing and happy environment in which he has thrived. If you dig on this space, you dig holes in each and every child' soul and any future child who is waiting to be able to attend. Yes, there is a long waiting list because people travel from as far as Surrey to attend. We won't give up fighting for our kids who are the people of the future. We will teach our kids the right paths to take in life and not the greedy and cruel ones who are meant to be setting an example
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Angieb » Fri May 02, 2014 2:47 pm

I'm a mum of 3 1/2 year old twins and I've been attending the twin playgroup at the scout hut since they were 4 weeks old. It is such an amazing space for little ones to go to, it would be devastating if developers got hold of it. There is nowhere else like it. It is a safe environment to play in, the outside space is brilliant and the parking makes it easy to get twins in and out safely. The twin playgroup provides a great deal of support too, it can be hard and getting out the door is a feat in itself, but once there, chatting to other mums in a similar position can be incredibly helpful.
The scout hut and all the activities held there are such an important part of the community, we lost the Windmill one o'clock club, I just hope we can do something to stop us all losing this vital space.
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Bewler » Fri May 02, 2014 3:30 pm

I would urge anyone who is a member of MPLT to consider boycotting your lessons/membership - nothing would send a clearer message that destruction of The Romany by developers would be abhorrent to the local residents. If that's too radical then at least voice your objections to the clubs chairwoman who is leading this attack on the scouts. The clubs behaviour is underhand at best and immoral at worst! Don't let them get away with this! It is greedy beyond belief! Is this really what members of the tennis club want??
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby kstar9 » Sun May 04, 2014 11:00 pm

I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments of the other posters. It would be a total disaster to the local community to lose The Romany. Playhouse has been an important part of my life for nearly 6 years, and both my kids attended and loved playgroup. My son now attends Arty Party each holiday and we've also been to numerous parties, dance classes, fetes etc over the years.
The outside space, and the freedom the kids have to explore, learn and make friends in total safety cannot be underestimated - where else in Wandsworth or even further afield can children do this?
The welcoming atmosphere, particularly Lisa and Liza who run Playgroup, as well as the friendly Mums, has definitely helped many of us with small kids who are unsure and not confident in those early years - it truly is a lifeline for many people. I definitely don't know what I would have done without it!
Lets do everything we can so that the amazing resource that is The Romany is not lost forever.....
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby SaveTheRomany*Mums » Tue May 06, 2014 4:54 pm

Dear All,

Many thanks for all your supportive comments, emails offering your help , tweets and for signing the petition here . A big thank you to Annabel at NVN for her wonderful support.

We just wanted to update everyone in the community about how our campaign is going...
This information needs to be kept in the public domain, to shine a light on it in order for it to be a fair and open playing field, as hiding behind "commercial confidentiality" breeds deals done to benefit the few and to rob communities like ours of their vital assets.

The Scout group at the Romany , which has always been run entirely voluntarily for generations of local children , who pay minimal attendance fees , are being forced to pay out HUGE amounts of money in legal costs to defend their right to renew their lease over the last two years, something that should NEVER have happened and is completely immoral and is ongoing . You have to ask the question WHO is benefitting from all this ?

Dan Watkins, Tory Parliamentary spokesman for Tooting had been very supportive and visited the Romany site with the Scouts leaders over the weekend, Dan has pledged them his personal involvement, support and is advising them on setting up a “Community Interest Company” which along with the community asset notice already placed on the site, will hopefully secure their future on the site.
Sadiq Khan MP is visiting The Romany this Friday 9th May, during the morning playgroup session to meet and chat with play leaders and mums, to offer saving the Romany site his full support.

Who at MPLTC club has been responsible for all this? We would urge members to ask the same question of their clubs committee, as many club members who also send their children to playgroup, scouts & cubs have been emailing us to express their horror of this ongoing situation.

We will be rolling out and delivering our SAVE*THE*ROMANY campaign leaflets through 1000’s of letter boxes locally this week, door to door petitioning as not everyone is online.

Please continue to sign the petition here, join our Facebook page
Follow us on twitter @savetheromany

We can all save this wonderful site if we stand together ....
Thank You *Save the Romany* Mums x
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Motherofcrazychild » Wed May 14, 2014 4:05 pm

I attend playhouse playgroup regularly and cannot believe it is under threat! It is simply a wonderful place that all should have the opportunity to enjoy. It has given me such support at some of the most difficult points in my life and I will feel lost without it. I haven't found anywhere else in London that has the same warmth and values. How the council are able to let this happen is just shocking to me. I hope someone reading these posts might have the power to do something to stop this from going ahead.
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby cathyco » Wed May 14, 2014 4:08 pm

Just wanted to add my voice to this campaign as I am great fan of the site. My son went to the playgroup there and loved it. The outdoor space made it really special and unusual. He has also been to numerous birthday parties there since and loved every minute. We both have such fond memories of the place. It plays a very important role in the life of this community and brings local families together. It would be terrible to lose it.
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby BikingDad » Wed May 14, 2014 5:14 pm

As a member of the Magdalen park tennis club and a parent whose children have all attended the Romany for playgroup , birthday parties and now as Cub scouts I am absolutely horrified by the tennis clubs committee behaviour, they are certainly acting without the consent of their members , as we have been kept totally in the dark about handing the Romany site to developers or denying the scouts of their lease as we have just renewed ours with ease for 15 years !
I have made enquiries with fellow members over the last few weeks and none have had any idea this was going on , which begs the question in whose interests are these committee members acting ? Certainly not mine and it appears the wider communities interests either. As much as our tennis club is an asset to the local community , the Romany scout site is equally as valuable and important ,the fact that a few committee members are behaving like this is truly appalling and I for one shall be raising this with them personally and at the next AGM , but for now I wish to condemn their actions and support Saving the Romany for our local children and community groups .
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby klw » Wed May 14, 2014 5:44 pm

I would also like to add my voice to this campaign. Children in Wandsworth have lost so many wonderful play facilities in recent months, it would be a crime if this beautiful place was sold off for short term financial gain.

If there is any public consultation, I will make sure I attend and object strongly to any planning applications.

The next generation will truly suffer if we don't protect this special place.
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Bewler » Wed May 14, 2014 7:10 pm

Biking dad Im so pleased that members of the tennis club are getting involved - I think your chairwoman has a lot to answer for judging by her statement on the clubs website. She is a commercial property litigation lawyer too so I think it's obvious who is driving this on behalf of the club! Perhaps you and your fellow members who disagree with the behaviour towards the scouts should voice your concerns to her and ask I'm whose interests this is supposed to be!
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Nadia76 » Thu May 15, 2014 2:26 pm

My son, my daughter and I have all benefitted from attending Playhouse Playgroup. It is a wonderful environment where children feel physically and emotionally safe to explore, have a range of experiences (including cooking, art, football and dance) and make friends. Lisa and Liza extend a warm welcome to everyone and take the time and trouble to form a personal relationship with all the adults and children that attend. The playgroup provides an essential support network to mums where the challenges of child rearing can be shared and put to rights over a cup of coffee. The wonderful outdoor space is a real draw as it provides a secure, green sanctuary away from the stresses and pressures of modern life. The playgroup creates a real sense of community and belonging and I have seen children (and their carers) really blossom as a result. Please do not take this nurturing and unique opportunity away from the children of Wandsworth.

Nadia Wilkinson
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby BrockMummy » Thu May 15, 2014 5:08 pm

My children have grown up from babies to little people at the Romany during Playhouse Playgroup. Before going to Playghouse I never felt a sense of community in London as I hadn't started school and I wasn't part of the church. I know for many mothers that the early part of motherhood can be quite isolating and Playgroup is a wonderful place to make friends with likeminded mothers. This is a community site for mothers and children alike. The children roam free here, no where else in Wandsworth can children have the same freedom in such a lovely environment. In parks you have to set such tight boundaries and here young children do not have to be hovered over! My children and I have made long term friends with children, mothers and helpers alike. The Romany is part of this community!
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby nancyshaw220 » Fri May 16, 2014 3:08 pm

We've had a lovely two days at Playgroup this week enjoying the good weather in our beautiful garden - so lovely to see so many children playing freely outside on the pirate ship, climbing frame, slides, ride-along toys & cubby house.

As a parent I am so grateful to have the Playhouse Playgroup playground - one of the few spaces that children can be completely safe whilst playing with peers. Our playground must be saved, the Romany must be saved. Lisa & Liza, please let us know what we can do as local parents to help Save the Romany!

Thank you for all your hard work Lisa & Liza, you are putting so much into this campaign!
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby Lovingsleep » Fri May 16, 2014 3:33 pm

Places like this, once they are gone they are gone forever. The photos posted on the facebook site show that mothers and children have been using this place for generations and thousands have benefitted. We can't put a price on this and how could the developers justify selling this space just to benefit a few. This space is what builds communities, it brings heat and soul to the neighbourhood which is why people want to live here. Otherwise we could be in an anonymous sprawling housing estate anywhere. My son loves this place - we come every week and he looks forward to it all week and talks about it all week after. And only mums can really know the value of being able to get out the house and meet other people in a similar situation knowing that your children are happy, learning and making friends. Let's do our best to keep this treasure for future generations to enjoy and benefit from.
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Re: Help Save The Romany Scout Site..under threat from Devel

Postby foxyfriend » Tue May 20, 2014 9:59 am

I have such wonderful memories of the Romany....Arty Party, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Fireworks, Children's Parties , Christening Parties, My son camping overnight with the Cubs - knowing that he was safe and sound - but still feeling like he was in the countryside. This is a unique and special place - shame on the developer and the tennis club for even entertaining the idea of destroying it.....
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