Really really lovely au pair needed in Clapham from Aug 2014

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Really really lovely au pair needed in Clapham from Aug 2014

Postby Mellymell123 » Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:15 pm

Dear really really lovely candidate,

We live in Clapham Old Town and have two boys - 6 and almost 8. Our French au pair is leaving us earlier than planned at the beginning of August.

Therefore the search is now on for a new au pair to help us during the holidays in the first part of August to entertain the kids - take them cycling and swimming, play (lots of) lego, draw, play games, take them on outings. Then, when school starts at the beginning of September, we need help to take them to/from school, cook simple meals, oversee homework and get them ready for bed. I have a cleaner, so most of the household duties would be to do with keeping the kids' room and bathroom clean and tidy. We need only occasional babysitting and weekends are usually free.

We can offer a sunny ensuite room at the top of the house, giving you privacy and quiet away from our noise. We are also located about 5 mins walk from a really good English school.

If you are interested to help us out either on a short term basis for the first two weeks of August and/or from the beginning of September, please send me your CV and we can either meet in person or via skype.

Many thanks
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Posts: 8
Joined: Jan 2013
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Re: Really really lovely au pair needed in Clapham from Aug

Postby ElleishaSimpson » Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:05 pm

I am a nanny looking for temp work for the first few weeks in
August. I'm currently working in Clapham and finish up at the end of July. I'm happy to email you more details if you want to send me an email at
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