Personal Styling For Mums From A Fashion Designer

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Personal Styling For Mums From A Fashion Designer

Postby AlwaysStylsh » Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:04 pm

" Returning to work, but unsure whats suits you now? "
" Fed up of wearing the same styles day after day? "
" Wardrobes full but never have anything to wear? "

If the answer is yes to any of these questions then I can help you.

My name is Lisa and I have set up Always Stylish a Personal Styling & Shopping consultancy. Why choose me? Well I have 15 years experience in the Fashion Industry primarily as a Fashion Designer for a wide variety of labels from: Tommy Hilfiger to M&S to Urban Outfitters. I continue to freelance as a fashion designer as this feeds priceless trend and fashion knowledge into my personal styling business, which I can pass onto you. Who better to advise on style and fashion than a designer.

I fell into styling through becoming a mum to a gorgeous cheeky 3 year old 'Annie lookalike' little girl and the new friends that I met through being a parent would often ask me for style and fashion advice. They in turn recommended me to their friends and colleagues, which lead me to form Always Stylish.

I offer a wide range of services which can be found on such as personal shopping, style & colour review, online styling and wardrobe makeovers. All of these services are flexible and tailored to meet your needs,with prices varying accordingly.

Contact me at now for a free consultation and see how I can help you.


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Re: Personal Styling For Mums From A Fashion Designer

Postby AlwaysStylsh » Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:07 pm

AlwaysStylsh wrote:" Returning to work, but unsure whats suits you now? "
" Fed up of wearing the same styles day after day? "
" Wardrobes full but never have anything to wear? "

If the answer is yes to any of these questions then I can help you.

My name is Lisa and I have set up Always Stylish a Personal Styling & Shopping consultancy. Why choose me? Well I have 15 years experience in the Fashion Industry primarily as a Fashion Designer for a wide variety of labels from: Tommy Hilfiger to M&S to Urban Outfitters. I continue to freelance as a fashion designer as this feeds priceless trend and fashion knowledge into my personal styling business, which I can pass onto you. Who better to advise on style and fashion than a designer.

I fell into styling through becoming a mum to a gorgeous cheeky 3 year old 'Annie lookalike' little girl and the new friends that I met through being a parent would often ask me for style and fashion advice. They in turn recommended me to their friends and colleagues, which lead me to form Always Stylish.

I offer a wide range of services which can be found on such as personal shopping, style & colour review, online styling and wardrobe makeovers. All of these services are flexible and tailored to meet your needs,with prices varying accordingly.

Contact me at now for a free consultation and see how I can help you.


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