Toddler hitting other kids

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Toddler hitting other kids

Postby mum2000 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:10 pm

Hi there. My son is 15 months old and has just started walking. Unfortunately, this new found freedom with his hands seems to have resulted in him starting to hit other children at playgroups etc. I didn't have this experience with my daughter and was just wondering if anyone had any tips for nipping it in the bud? I know lots of kids go through this phase and it won't last forever (and will no doubt be followed by some other equally anti-social phase...) but any advice gratefully received. Thanks
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Re: Toddler hitting other kids

Postby Gingercat2 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:56 pm


I would try a role play scenario with his teddies or soft toys. Set up a picnic and model behaviour for him so he understands how to play gently. For example say..would teddy like a cup of tea? You begin by showing your son what to do and when he offers teddy the tea , you say oh that is kind..try cuddling and giving teddy a kiss etc
Begin to say oh..... is so good at giving cuddles and being kind.. the type of behaviour that you practise will begin to start showing in real life situations.
Give it time and use lots of praise.
If the hitting gets really bad, remove your son from the situation.. he'll soon get the message that his fun playing is being spoilt everytime he hits.
Best wishes
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Re: Toddler hitting other kids

Postby Teddersmum » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:07 pm

Yes I agree with removing from the situation. Worked a treat with my boy, although real bore for me! I gave one warning and then we left. Did mean a few wasted €€ of soft play entry etc but he soon got the message.
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