Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

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Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

Postby daisydaisy » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:22 pm

Can anyone offer some advice as to how I can stop my toddler hitting other children. He does it either to introduce himself (although he is able to do this verbally) or for no reason at all. I hover over him when we are out, not for his safety but in case he lashes out. He is used to other children as he goes to nursery- his teachers say he occasionally hits but rarely- and he is a very sweet boy at home. I tell him off and try to make him apologise and I have explained to him why hitting is wrong (not sure how much he understood) I even took him straight home today after he hit a much younger child and told him exactly why we were leaving.
I don't want him to turn into a bully and am worried that children won't want to play with him if this continues as he gets older.
Has anyone experienced and dealt successfully with anything like this? Any advice would be gratefully received.
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Re: Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

Postby mommyg » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:57 pm

My toddler also hits from time to time. I explain to her that I don't hit her, therefore she shouldn't hit others. I also tell her if she hits again we'll go home / I'll put her in her room. I find forcing an apology rarely works at this age.
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Re: Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

Postby daisydaisy » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:11 pm

Thanks. It's good to know someone else's child does it too. You might have a point about forcing an apology too.
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Re: Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

Postby Pop » Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:45 pm

Sounds like you're handling it well to me.

In case it's of any reassurance - one of my daughter's friends was a 'biter' when younger, but he grew out of it and is a lovely child who is very popular. None of the kids he used to bite seem to remember and it hasn't affected their friendships. They're 3 now. I can't remember what age he was when he grew out of biting, but around 2 I think.
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Re: Advice needed: my toddler hits other children

Postby curly » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:18 pm

My daughter used to hit and push when she was 2/3. The nursery recommended using a marble jar where you put in a marble for good behaviour and take one out for bad. Up until this point I had tried everything and was at a loss to know what to do. The marble jar had great results and her hitting stopped.

They do grow out of it but it is embarrassing to be the mum of a hitter. I completely know what you are going through.

I will get better, I promise!
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