Postby daisydaisy » Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:22 pm
Can anyone offer some advice as to how I can stop my toddler hitting other children. He does it either to introduce himself (although he is able to do this verbally) or for no reason at all. I hover over him when we are out, not for his safety but in case he lashes out. He is used to other children as he goes to nursery- his teachers say he occasionally hits but rarely- and he is a very sweet boy at home. I tell him off and try to make him apologise and I have explained to him why hitting is wrong (not sure how much he understood) I even took him straight home today after he hit a much younger child and told him exactly why we were leaving.
I don't want him to turn into a bully and am worried that children won't want to play with him if this continues as he gets older.
Has anyone experienced and dealt successfully with anything like this? Any advice would be gratefully received.