Postby ordinarygirl09 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:08 pm
I agree with harriedmum, empty praise is no praise. Children learn quickly when the praise you are giving is insincere. I have learned that if I am specific about the praise, i.e why I like what they have done, I get much more back from my children (not my own children, the children I teach in my primary class).
However, I also understand that it is natural for parents to applaud their children for doing small things, I do it to my daughter! I am always telling her how wonderful she is. I won't apologise for that. I want her to be confident and for her to know how pleased her mummy is with her (she is only 22 months). I am sure as she grows up the praise I give her will change in terms of her age and the achievement.
I still believe Tiger Mother is too harsh with her children. The World is a tough place and I agree that children should be given the tools and skills to deal with 'real life'. However, they are children for such a short time, surely they are entitled to be carefree....? To not have the same pressures we face as adults..?
Her children say that they love her. Of course they do, it is their mother....