Postby mummo » Thu May 21, 2015 7:16 am
I'm sorry, don't often post on here, but I'm going to have to leap into this one to back up darling mummy.
Car sickness is not all in the mind. It is a medical condition.
I am a big believer in mind over matter, but travel sickness is more than just a psychosomatic condition.
Like darlingmummy I suffer and there are certain conditions which will mean that some journeys are OK (straight, fast roads, smooth air travel a still, calm sea) and others (stop start traffic in a hot car, windy roads, turbulence on the plane and choppy waters) which mean that I will be sick. These are things that are out of my control. I am not of the disposition to feel the turbulence and sit there and think 'oh I might start to feel sick now' and consequently throw up, it is completely the other way around. It comes over you much like catching a bug and coming down with a cold does. You can be completely distracted and then suddenly feel sick.
For the record, I don't particularly like taking drugs and choose to just deal with the consequences rather than dose myself up (and truth be told the few times I have tried it hasn't worked anyway). I try all the self help techniques - stare at the horizon, fresh air etc if I do start to feel unwell, sometimes its enough to prevent actually being sick, sometimes not. I do agree that once the thought is in your mind it probably makes it worse, but to say that that is all it is I'm afraid is just incorrect.
I too have children who suffer, yes, I agree don't make a big fuss of it or they will work themselves into a frenzy and exacerbate the condition, teach them all the self help techniques and always travel with a bucket! We've tried the wrist bands and some of the meds (including the homeopathic ones), again without huge success so we just deal with it.
A thought to leave you with… dogs get travel sick too.